Chapter Forty-Three: Life gets better

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Cedric held her up as she caught her breath. It was safe to say everyone was confused. She was dead a moment ago.

"What happened?" (Y/N) asked

"I don't know. I didn't do anything," Cedric said

"You kissed her," Sofia said, "true love's kiss. That's what brought her back!"

"Save the celebration. Where is Tom?" (Y/N) asked trying to get off the bed

"He's not here. And be careful. You were dead a moment ago," Cedric said

"There's no time! Tom poisoned me and he plans to do the same to Madisyn! you have to do something!"

"(Y/N), where's your proof that it is him? It could be anyone," Roland said

"I have proof. And don't fall for the nice act. He's what's wrong with Uzacan," (Y/N) said getting up, "Now follow me. I'll show you my proof."

(Y/N) led them to the room where she found the proof. But no one was believing her. They knew she had mental confusion when she was poisoned so they think it was that making her see things. Now she was doubting herself. Pushing it aside, she decided to just barge in. Tom was there and so was all the proof she found the first time.

"I wasn't imagining things! He's planned this from the beginning and gotten away with it. Well, not this time!" (Y/N) said

Now everyone believed her. Tom then admitted to it all with no sympathy. He got what he wanted. Now it will all be taken from him. Roland had his guards lock Tom away for his crimes. But (Y/N) still had things to do. After having a proper reunion with Cedric and Stephen, (Y/N)had some news for Madisyn. Since (Y/N) wanted to be nowhere near Uzacan after today, she was making Madisyn Queen of Uzacan. (Y/N) wanted to be with her family, not rule the kingdom. She was happy back in Enchacia as an Apprentice so now, she'll stay there with her family. 

When the family went back to Enchancia, (Y/N) had never been happier to be home. Finally, she was away from Tom and with her true love Cedric. Everyone was happy to have her back. Back in Uzacan, Madisyn ruled the Kingdom better than Tom did while he was on the throne. She righted all the wrongs of the kingdom and made it better. All the while raising her son with Greylock. He had been crowned King after Madisyn and found the counterspell to the one cast on the kingdom. You know, the one that made (Y/N)'s floating spell wear off quickly. 

Now Uzacan was magical again. As time went on, and as their boys grew up, (Y/N) and Cedric finally married. Their wedding was small but still nice. They would also bring another child into the world. A girl who they named Eliza. Stephen was three at the time so he didn't understand what was going on but he grew to love his sister. But, as he reached his teenage years, things started to change. He had been going to school with Jayden and both were doing great. They got the title' President Perfect'.

They looked perfect, they acted perfect, and they had perfect grades. Both were learning magic while Jayden took extra classes on how to rule Uzacan when he inherited the throne. But both noticed that everyone in their classes were already starting a relationship with someone while the two were still single. Many girls had tried to get in a relationship with them but they always said no. But Stephen was the first to figure it out. He only said no because he wasn't into girls. He was into boys. One boy in particular. Jayden.

Jayden was in denial that he was gay because he had this thought in his head that he had to stay perfect. But that all changed when Stephen invited him to Enchancia for a sleepover with a few other friends. During their sleepover, one of them managed to sneak some wine from the kitchen to the room and they drank a lot of it. Stephen didn't have much but Jayden had a little too much as he was starting to blackout. But he'd never forget what happened next. 

In Jayden's drunken state and Stephen's half-drunken state, they got close and kissed. But Cedric happened to walk past the open door to see their friends passed out and the two boys kissing. Jayden saw Cedric at the door and pulled away. Stephen looked at the door to see Cedric looking at them with a look of shock. Jayden decided to leave to go home. Stephen hadn't come out to his parents yet so he was rather nervous. 

The next morning, when all the other kids went home, Cedric and (Y/N) had a talk with him. Cedric had told her what he saw the night before so she knew what was going on. They asked if Stephen was gay. He knew he had been caught so he admitted to it and admitted to liking Jayden who still denied that he was gay. He expected his parents to be upset with him but they accepted him how he was.

He was relieved to hear that. When he met Jayden at school the next day, he asked him if he was also gay. He still denied it. Only for him to admit it weeks later when their kiss started to bug him so much. They would start dating but Jayden never told his parents. But Stephen encouraged him to try so he did. Madisyn and Greylock were shocked at first when he told them but they too accepted him. He was happy about that. 

As they grew up and graduated from school, Stephen would propose to Jayden and get married a year later. Only because Roland finally heard about it and he wasn't too fond of the idea of his grandson being gay. For one, he didn't think it was right. But they would soon convince him that it wasn't as bad as he thought it was. It's just a different kind of love. He was soon on board with the idea and accepted them as they were. 

When they married, and as the years went by, Jayden and Stephen would be crowned kings of Uzacan while Eliza became Enchacia's new royal Sorceress when her parents stepped down. Both parents couldn've been more proud. Stephen and Jayden would adopt a few children when they were ready while Eliza got married and had a child of her own. But this isn't the end of the story just yet. Just wait

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