Chapter Thirty-One: Prince Tom

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I was doing spells with Cedric again today. It's been over a year since Vor happened and I've made a lot of progress. I'm learning a hard spell at the moment. I've been working on this with Cedric for maybe three days now and I haven't gotten it right. But Cedric is being patient with me. So, I'm trying it one last time. And I finally got it right! At last! That took way too long!

"Well done. You've mastered the Non-Verbal spell," Cedric said smiling.

"Thank goodness. I thought I'd never be able to do it. So, what's next?" I asked smiling

Cedric was silent and his smile faded. Did I do something wrong? Is the next spell even harder?

"Cedric? What's wrong?" I asked

"There are no more spells. I can't teach you anymore," Cedric said.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I mean, you're ready."

"For what?"

"I've taught you every spell to exist. You're an official Sorceress. So, you're no longer my apprentice."

I'm done? My lessons are over? I'm a Sorceress? This is great! But why is Cedric sad about this? I thought he'd be happy. I asked about it and he thought that, because I'm now a sorceress, I won't want to be by his side anymore and go off to some other kingdom to serve another royal. Well, he has a right to be worried about that. But I'm not going to do that. I love being with Cedric, Apprentice or not. I'm staying. He was happy about that. So, we then went to the family and told them that I had finished my lessons and I was officially a sorceress.

They all congratulated me and Roland wanted to throw a ball to celebrate my success. Well, I don't mind. So, Roland and Baileywick started planning while I made some new robes for the ball. I still don't like the idea of balls but I'll let Roland plan this because I'm pretty sure I'm the first royal to become a sorceress. I hope other royals will do the same as me if they really want to. Not just sorcery but whatever they want. I like the idea of that. But I guess not everyone is like me. And I should focus on the ball.

Roland revealed that he might've found a way to invite the people of Uzacan. I did reveal that I had learned about it thanks to Laufey and Roland told me that no one has ever heard from Uzacan since Laufey and Morgana turned evil. But people have recently seen Laufey's daughter, Madisyn, around the kingdoms so there is a way to contact Uzacan. So, Roland invited them. I hope they'll answer my questions about the place. It's been a mystery to me since Laufey told me about it. The day arrived and I was greeting all the guests.

It was all people I knew due to past balls. And their sorcerers and sorceress' were with them as it was part of the invite. But no sign of any Uzacanians. Did they not get the invite? That's what I was thinking when I heard a band playing. What's that about? The band came in. It's the people of Uzacan! The band then started playing something new and a man came to the front. He had black hair, dark brown eyes, pale skin, and was wearing a top hat, white tie, and tails. Who is this? 

'I just got an invitation through the mails: "Your presence requested this evening, it's formal, a top hat, a white tie, and tails." Nothing now could take the wind out of my sails. Because I'm invited to step out this evening with top hat and white tie and tails. I'm puttin' on my top hat, tyin' up my white tie, brushin' off my tails. I'm dudin' up my shirt front, puttin' in the shirt studs, polishin' my nails, I'm steppin' out, my dear, to breathe an atmosphere that simply reeks with class; And I trust that you'll excuse my dust when I step on the gas, for I'll be there, puttin' down my top hat, mussin' up my white tie, dancin' in my tails.'

He and some other people in Top hats, white ties, and tails started to tap dance. Is this them just showing off how they say hello? It's kinda impressive. When they were done, the man who was singing came forward.

"Prince Tom of Uzacan. Nice to meet you, your majesties," Tom said smiling with a bow.

"You too, Prince Tom," Roland said smiling

"This must be (Y/N) the Magnificent. I've heard so much about you. Congratulations on becoming a sorceress. You know, I haven't been near a sorceress since Morgana turned evil and tried to take over the kingdom. You're very beautiful. You're defiantly worthy of being a great sorceress."

"Magic is more than good looks, Tom. It's about skill. But you are quite the charmer, I'll give you that," I said smiling.

"Thank you. It's a wonder I'm not married yet. But there's someone for everyone. Oh, before I forget, meet my cousin, Madisyn."

Madisyn stepped forward. She has long, black hair, blueish-green eyes, pale skin to the point it was almost white but her eyes and hair were different compared to how people saw her. Her hair was brown and her eyes were blue. I'm not complaining. She looks fine to me.

"Nice to meet you," Madisyn said

"You too," I said smiling

"And this is my mother, Queen Emily, and my Aunt Martha," Tom said smiling

They curtsied while I gave them a nod.

"Wonderful to meet you all. Baileywick will show you your rooms. I've been told the ball may last a few days," I said smiling.

Baileywick did that. Something's strange about Madisyn. I haven't seen her smile since she arrived. That might just be personal stuff so I'll leave it alone. I'll talk to them more at the ball. But I think I'm falling for Tom. He's very charming and it's almost hard not to fall for him. I'll probably be talking to him a lot. I went to get ready but I can't help but notice that Cedric was glaring at Tom. What's wrong with him? I'll ask later. We have a ball to attend to.

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