Chapter Forty: Congratulations

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A week had passed and they did go to Enchancia. But, by this time, (Y/N) had gotten a lot worse not that she would show it. And she wasn't going to tell Cedric about it either. But Cedric wasn't concerned about (Y/N) right now. He was still angry at Tom and he was going to make that clear. He didn't care if Roland tried to stop him or not. He has a lot to say to Tom. When they arrived, they all said hello but they didn't want to talk to Tom. Cedric walked up to him. Tom knew he was going to get a lecture from the sorcerer not that he cared. Well, he will when Cedric's done with him.

'Cedric...' Tom greeted

'Prince Tom... Congratulations;" Cedric said glaring at him, 'You've invented a new kind of stupid. A damage you can never undo, kind of stupid. An open all the cages in the zoo, kind of stupid. Truly, you didn't think this through? Kind of stupid. Let's review; You took a rumor a few, maybe two people knew, and refuted it by sharing an affair of which no one had accused you. She begged you to take a break, you refused to. So scared of what your enemies will do to you. You're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to! You know, Roland can do what he wants? He doesn't dignify schoolyard taunts with a response! So yeah, congratulations!'

"Cedric..." Tom tried to shut him up

'You've redefined your legacy, congratulations!'

"It was an act of political sacrifice!"

"...Sacrifice? (Y/N) languished in a loveless marriage in Uzacan, I lived only to care for her son. I look at us and think, "God, what have we done with our lives, and what did it get us?" That doesn't wipe the tears or the years away but she's back in the kingdom and she's here to stay and you know what I'm here to do?'


'I'm not here for you... I know my apprentice like I know my own mind. You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind and a million years ago she said to me, "This one's mine". So I stood by... Do you know why?! I love my apprentice more than anything in this life! I would choose her happiness over mine every time! (Y/N)! Is the best thing in our lives so never lose sight of the fact that you have been blessed with the best wife! Congratulations for the rest of your life! Every sacrifice is for my apprentice, give her the best life! Congratulations.'

Cedric then left. He said what he wanted to say. (Y/N) was happy that Cedric stood up for her like that. Cedric wasn't going to let his apprentice get treated like that by a man who's only been using her for his own personal gain. Once he went to his tower, he looked out the window to see if (Y/N) would go back to the field around the tower for a walk like she used to.

Not that he expected her to with her illness. But she did. And no Tom with her. Cedric assumed he was being kept busy by the royal family. Cedric left his tower and approached her. They would talk again like old friends with no one to interrupt them. After talking under the tree, Cedric helped her to her feet and took her somewhere.

It was Sofia's secret garden. Cedric knew about it because he had asked her long before Tom came into the picture if he could use it one day to confess to (Y/N). Now isn't how he imagined it but he didn't care. They arrived at the garden and Cedric led her through the door. The garden was beautiful. And with a little magic from Cedric, it got even better. (Y/N) was in awe at it all. Cedric helped her walk around the garden.

'You're waking meadows in my mind, making waves across my time. Oh, no. Oh, no I got a strange magic. Oh, what a...' (Y/N) said looking around

'Strange magic,' they said together

'Oh, it's a...'

'Strange magic. Got a strange magic.'

Cedric let her walk on her own as he worked his magic. He made fireflies appear and made the area they were in dark so (Y/N)could see them. She looked beautiful in the middle of the magic of nature.

'You're sailing softly through the sun,' Cedric said smiling

'Softly through the sun,' (Y/N) repeated smiling

'Of a land I've always known,' Cedric joined her side, 'You fly.'

'You fly,' (Y/N) looked at him

'So high,' the two started to dance, just like they did before

'So high.'

'I get a...'

'Strange magic,' they danced and sang together, 'Oh, what a strange magic Oh, it's a strange magic. Got a strange magic.'

'Oh, I...' (Y/N) said smiling

'Oh, I...' Cedric said smiling

'Never gonna be...'

'The same again,' (Y/N) finished smiling

'Never gonna be the same again,' Cedric repeated smiling

'Now I've seen the way it's got to end.'

'Got to end.'

'Sweet dreams.'

'Sweet dreams.'

'Sweet dreams,' they said smiling, 'Got a strange magic. Oh, what a strange magic. Oh, it's a strange magic. Got a strange magic. Got a strange magic.'

'It's magic,' (Y/N) said smiling

'It's magic,' Cedric said smiling and putting a flower in her hair

'It's magic.'

'It's magic.'

'It's magic. It's magic'.

Tom had found the two in the garden. He said something wrong while talking to Roland which didn't end well for Tom. He was told to leave so he went to find (Y/N) first. He saw them dancing very close to each other. So, he pulled (Y/N) off Cedric and took her away explaining what was going on. She didn't even have the chance to say goodbye. They returned to Uzacan where Tom proceed to tell (Y/N) that he didn't want her talking, seeing, or sending letters to Cedric ever again. Along with that, he wanted (Y/N) to tell Cedric to give Stephen back to them. But (Y/N) didn't last through the lecture because she suddenly fainted.

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