Chapter Twenty-Three: Elena and the Secret of Avalor. Part Three

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Sofia, me, and Mateo arrive at the castle to see Elena has fled. What happened? We asked but Elena explained that she couldn't get the spell right and now Shuriki has our family! What?! We'll discuss it later because some archers begin to fire at us. We went to Mateo's place, while Sofia and I were worried about our family. I knew we would be running into a bit of trouble but I didn't expect this. We arrived at Mateo's house.

"Elena, what happened back there?" I asked

"I never knew what happened to my sister and my grandparents until today. Seeing them trapped in that painting reminded me of the last time I saw Isabel," Elena said

"Isabel?" Sofia asked

"My little sister," Elena said, "She'd been out in the garden all day, building a new feeder for the Jaquins. She was filthy, and our parents were on their way home for dinner, so I asked her to change. And she comes back wearing a clean dress, but her hands and face are still covered in dirt. I had just finished cleaning her off when I heard our parents' carriage pull up outside. And then, Shuriki arrived."

"I'm sorry," I said

"When I saw her in that enchanted painting today, she still had a smudge on her cheek. I guessed I missed a spot."

Mateo's mother came out of the house and says she has a spell that can free the rest of the royal family but Mateo had to cast it. But they will be in danger if freed too soon. Someone knocked at the gate so everyone but Mateo's mother hid. It's some good people who have heard that Elena had returned. We all come out of hiding. Despite the people wanting to help out, Elena was still set on defeating Shuriki alone. She may be a Princess but that doesn't mean she had to. After some convincing, Elena allowed everyone to help and told them what to do. Elena, Sofia, Mateo, myself, and everyone else left to rally the rest of the kingdom to fight against Shuriki.

Sofia, me, and Elena went to a secret back entrance that lead into the palace. We got spotted by Armando but he agreed to help us. Armando managed to get one of the guards to leave but the other wouldn't go. So Sofia and I became little to get past the other guard while Armando distracted him. Sofia and I snuck past him and became big again. We took the keys to the cell and freed our family. We have a lot of explaining to do, but that can come later. Roland knocked out the guard and locked him up.

Sofia introduced Roland to Elena who apologised for putting them in danger. Elena explained what happened the day Shuriki took over and also explained that she needed someone young enough and someone skilled at magic to free her. She did tell him not to be mad at Sofia and me but proud. And Sofia explained that she didn't want anyone to get in trouble and I agreed with her. Roland pardoned us for what happened.

Elena told them that she has a plan to get everyone to safety but we need to get to the throne room first and get Elena's sister and grandparents. We arrived just as Mateo started to free the royal family. He said the spell and set the family free. Elena hugged her family before the Jaquins took us to the town to get more people. I had an idea so I went into the streets where everyone was. I made my wand shine to get everyone's attention. All eyes were now on me. Time to start a revolution.

'Do you hear the people sing? Singing a song of angry men? It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again! When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums, there is a life about to start when tomorrow comes!' I sang as everyone looked at me like I was crazy

I continued anyway, 'Will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? Beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see? Then join in the fight that will give you the right to be free!'

Everyone joined in and followed me to the palace.

'Do you hear the people sing? Singing a song of angry men? It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again! When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums, there is a life about to start when tomorrow comes! Will you give all you can give so that our banner may advance? Some will fall and some will live, will you stand up and take your chance? The blood of the martyrs will water the meadows of Avalor! Do you hear the people sing? Singing a song of angry men? It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again! When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums, there is a life about to start when tomorrow comes!'

Everyone that was on a Jaquin flew to the other side to open the gate for the people of Avalor. When the gate opened, the people of Avalor entered to confront Shuriki. The guards tried to stop us from entering but failed with Roland pointing his sword at them and me having my wand out. Shuriki, Esteban, and Armando arrived and the guards retreat. Armando joined our side and Shuriki made a storm appear to stop us.

"Leave my palace at once," Shuriki demanded

"It's not your palace, Shuriki. It's ours, and you can't stop all of us," Elena said

"I don't have to. I only need to stop you."

Esteban then betrayed Shuriki, taking her wand, and throwing it to Elena. She caught the wand and broke it. Shuriki grew really old and Avalor was freed from her spell. Her reign is over. But Shuriki ran away and fell off the bridge. Elena went to check on her and her grandfather reassures her that they won. Elena hugged her family.

Everyone else praised her for freeing them. Elena is now in charge of Avalor. And Elena let Sofia keep the amulet. Elena hugged Sofia and me and thanked us and our family for everything. Esteban revealed to Elena that he only pretended to be on Shuriki's side to protect the painting. The children came back and Elena hugged her sister. Esteban then raised the flag of Avalor.

"Let every bell in Avalor ring. We are free!" Elena said smiling

Everyone cheered and Elena hugged her sister again. But, before we left, Sofia had something to say to me.

"Thanks for helping me, (N/N)," Sofia said smiling

I smiled at the nickname, "No problem, Sof. Anytime."

We hugged. After we left, Elena was crowned the new Leader of Avalor. I might not be a great person sometimes but I'm ready to help a kingdom when needed. Maybe I'm actually not so bad after all. Well, we'll see what the future has to say about it.

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