Chapter Ten: The Enchanted Feast

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Tonight is the Enchanted Feast and Cedric is preparing for it. He will make the dinner appear and do some tricks while everyone is eating their dinner. And, since I've learned a lot of magic, Cedric is letting me perform too to show everyone what I've learned. According to Cedric, I'm learning faster than most sorceresses. He had around fifteen years of Sorcery School while I've almost learned about half of the spells faster than him. He's really proud of me.

I guess I'm a fast learner. I've even perfected that levitation spell that made me break my wrist. I can't wait for tonight. Only for me to want to dread it. There was a new Sorceress that suddenly arrived named Sascha the Sorceress. She wasn't even here five minutes and she already had Cedric swooning over her! She just got here and he knows nothing about her besides that she's a good sorceress and he wants to impress her!

Something I've finally come to terms with between me and Cedric is I'm falling for him. Well, I've already fallen for him. I just denied the feeling for a long time. Now I've just given into it. But I can't tell him. He clearly has no feelings for me otherwise he wouldn't have fallen for Sascha so quickly. Sofia then came into the room.

"Excuse me, Mr. Cedric? I need to ask you about Sascha," Sofia said.

"Oh, enchanting, isn't she?" Cedric asked smiling.

"I'm not sure. I get a bad feeling around her. And since you're a sorcerer, I thought you might know if she were up to something."

"Fear not, princess! If there was evil lurking in the castle, I would most certainly be the first to know about it!" Cedric said escorting her to the door.

"Well, if you think she's okay..."

"She's more than okay," Cedric said shoving her out the room.

"Alright, I guess I'll see you at the feast."

Cedric closed the door, "And so will Sascha!"

If he wants to impress Sascha so much then I'm not joining the performance! I'd just be in the way like I always am. Cedric looked at me sat on the stairs not looking in a good mood.

"Why are you looking all moody?" Cedric asked.

"Because of Sascha, that's why!" I said.

"Are you jealous of Sascha?"

"What if I am? You wouldn't care. She's been here for barely five minutes and you're already swooning over her! You don't know anything about her! But, if you want to impress her so badly, then you can have the performance to yourself. I'm not doing it because I'll only get in the way. So, I'll see you at the feast. As a Princess, not your apprentice."

I left and closed the door but Cedric wasn't done with me, "Oh, you're just jealous that Sascha is better at sorcery than you!"

I stopped in my tracks. Why would he say that? I thought he was proud of the progress I've made. Was that just a lie? Whatever it was, that hurt to hear. I fought back tears as I went into my room, passing Erik who I think heard what Cedric told me. I went to my room and cried. It's like everything good he's said has meant nothing! That's what hurt me the most.

Not many nice things have been said to me until I met Cedric. Yes, we do say mean things or call each other names sometimes but that's only being playful and that had always been obvious. But now, it seems like they weren't just being playful. I went to my open window and threw my wand out of it, annoyed. I guess I'm right back where I started. Something tells me that Cedric and I won't be working together anymore if he does impress Sascha.

But, I suppose I should get ready for the feast. I don't want to go anymore. Not after what Cedric said. But I went anyway. All the guests talked while I stayed quiet mostly. Sascha was sitting right in front of me too. I avoided eye contact and looked down. Cedric then walked in ready to do his magic. He quickly glanced at me with a regretful look. Did he not mean to say that? I'll ask later. He conjured up the feast but something went wrong. When Baileywick cut into the turkey, it started to fly around the room along with everything else.

But that wasn't right. He said the words right so how did that happen? He then tried his mirror trick which also went wrong. The mirror pulled him towards it. He claimed it was just a glitch and tried to reverse it. But that made him go from one mirror to the other. I don't see how that could've gone wrong. He said the words right. What's going on? Sascha made them disappear. A part of me wanted to feel sorry for Cedric but another part of me told me not to. I'm not feeling sorry for him. That's what he gets. So, Sascha took over for Cedric who walked off in a huff.

But Sofia ran after him. Sascha continued her show anyway. She made a random rose grow up and cover the room. But, once the trick was over, Sascha was gone. Wait a minute, Sascha tricked us! But why? I'll find out later. We have to get out of here. I told everyone that I knew a spell to make the flower go back to normal. But then I remembered something, I threw my wand out the window before the feast. Oops. So, the guards tried chopping the vines with their swords.

But the vines then went away themselves after a while. Cedric had freed us! I'm still not happy with him regardless. It was also revealed that Sascha was really an evil fairy in disguise to steal Sofia's amulet. But she was long gone now. So, the feast continued with Cedric doing the show again. But I just sat at the table uninterested. Cedric came over to me.

"Here. I found it outside," Cedric said holding out my wand.

I looked away.

"Look, I didn't mean what I said. I was just angry that you didn't approve of Sascha. You are an amazing sorceress. You could even be better than me someday. Please forgive me, (Y/N). I promise this will never happen again."

I remained quiet. I can't be mad at him forever and he does sound genuine with that apology. Oh, what have I got to lose?

"I forgive you. But don't you dare pull something like that again or I will be a lot less forgiving," I said.

"Thank you. I promise this won't happen again. Now, would you like to do your performance?" Cedric asked smiling.

I smiled and took my wand from him, "I would."

I used magic to change my outfit and did my performance. Everyone was impressed. And Cedric was proud of me. And he made that clear. Well, at least I can still make him proud. 

Love of a Sorcerer (Cedric X Reader Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now