Episode 1

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*Sorry for my grammar will fix later*

Ever since that moment I had a desire burn in me. I was only 7 years old at the time. I was helping mother deliver the neighbors baby. I watched in wonder and awe at the life being born before me. Through all that pain and suffering. To then see the mother crying with such joy. The mother waved me over as she introduced me to her new son. Eyes shining I looked up at my mom stating. I wanna do this when I get older.
My mother simply smiled at me and said.

"I know you can Izu. You can do anything once you set your mind to it."

She patted my head then went back to check on the mother.

I didn't know back then just how hard it would be for me to reach that goal. When I found out that they had doctors that specialize in that field I tried my all to get in. But the discrimination against me was so high. Anything I tried was denied at becoming a doctor. Why would they want an omega doctor when an alpha is so much better.

When I was at my lowest from this. Then a friend of mine introduced me to the wonderful field of nursing. Where they to had a field that specializes in mothers and their babies. So I decided I would instead become a midwife and nurse. Completing my goal I was now a certified nurse midwife. In time I quickly rose to be one of the best renowned midwives.

I decided to serves anyone in need. No matter who they were. Though as time past and the more babies I brought into this world and the more families I helped. A deep desire burned with in me. A desire for a family. A desire for my mate. Was this because of my omega instincts or because humans are social and jealous creators when it comes to wanting their own happiness?

I sighed as I looked down at my next case file. An omega male who was about to enter their second trimester. They have been having very bad morning sickness and their iron is a bit low.

"Hm we need to avoid that going any lower... I'll start with iron pills and a regular iv drip."

After chewing on his pencil a bit as he then looked down at his wrist watch. he stretched as he stood up. Grabbing his things and meeting his assistant at the door. She sighed at him as she shook her brunette hair from side to side.

"Izuku when are you gonna be on time? We are already 5 minutes late to our next appointment."

She said with a wag of her finger. He put both hands together in a sign of forgiveness.

"I'm sorry Ochoko. I promise I'll try better. I just got so wrapped up in reading the file."

She put up a hand to stop him. Giving a sigh as she motioned him to follow her.

"Fine, we don't have time for this. Please hurry to the car. I'll drive us there."

He nodded as they got into the car and headed for the patient's place. They could tell as they drove through the neighborhood that it was a mix of middle classes. As they pulled up to the house seeing no other vehicles in the drive way. Worried him a bit as this was the scheduled time for his visit. As he reaches the door he gives a heavy handed knock. After awhile another knock this time the door opened. A soft smiling dirt blonde greeted him as the door opened to them.
He smiled back as he stated.

"I was worried for a moment that no one was home."

"Welcome, Midoriya-san. Oh I would never miss one of your appointments. My roommate is just at work and we only have one car. Please come in"

He stepped aside as they entered into the living room taking a seat and patting the cushion next to him. The mother to be took his seat next to him. He was small framed but a bit pale. He looked tired as well. All seemed to be showing signs of possible issues. But he need to be sure.

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