Episode 9

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***Sorry about this coming out late. A lot has happened in the past month. But main thing is that I've been suffering mentally and I don't want it to affect my writing. Please understand and be patient. I love writing and hope to continue to do so in the future. So please be patient with me.***

⚠️WARNING ⚠️ viewer discretion is advised.

The air was thick with tension. As they stared at each other. Izuku couldn't take the silence anymore. As tears began to fall down his face. He couldn't believe how twisted fate is. That past event  caused him so much grief and trauma.  Why did it turn out that the person he was drawn to. Why was this person his soul mate. His soulmate the one he thought would be there for him and protect him. Was the one that had hurt him the most.

As he looked down at Bakugo he tightened his fists. As anger filled him, but as he looked into his eyes. He saw so many emotions staring back at him. It caused a sharp pain in his chest. Although he was angry at Kats he also didn't want to see him like this. He took in a deep breath before he unclenched his fists.

At that moment Kats bowed on the floor.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Though it didn't last long a look of surprise showed on his face. He didn't say anything at first and just stared at him.

"I hurt you and I'm so sorry. My actions, my immaturity that day is inexcusable."

His nails were digging into the palms of his hands as he gritted his teeth. He wasn't use to apologizing. Though he knew if ever there needed one this was the time and place. To make up for his past mistakes. If at all possible.

"If- if there is anything I can do to make it up to you. Please just tell me."

The blondes head was facing the floor so he couldn't see Izu's face. Though he could tell by his body that he was tense.

Izu crossed his arms and let out a sigh and he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"I don't even know where to begin. Though first lift up your head I wanna look into your eyes when we talk."

The blonde slowly rose as he looked up at him. He guessed his apology wasn't accepted by this reaction. Before he could even react Izu spoke up.

"When I was attacked I was so scared. Though at the same time I could feel a sort of comfort like my being was telling me it was going to be ok. I had no idea what it was at the time. Though later I realized that was the start of our bonding as soul mates. I even thought I was scared and wasn't sure what would happen next. I thought that once things calmed down we could figure it out."

He sighed as he looked away from him at this.

"But once I looked back to finally see your face. It was full of fear and disgust before you ran away. I thought for so long that that look was aimed at me. That you thought so little of me."

He sighed again and looked at him arms still crossed and he rubbed them a bit to comfort himself.

"I- I can't give you an answer right now. I need to think things over. So please give me some space till I can answer you."

At this Kats felt a stinging in his chest. It hurt to hear that his mate didn't want to be near him. What if he never wanted to be near him again? His mind raced as dread filled thoughts entered them. As his eyes had widened from that statement he soon closed them as he bowed his head.

"I understand."

At this he stood up and walked out the room. Giving once last look back as he closed the door. Seeing his mate in stress with a look of sorrow on his face.

As soon as the door was closed Izu collapsed on the ground near his bed. Tears had started to fall down his face. He had so many mixed feeling. He has come to know Kats the adult as a good person; and his attacker as another person. It didn't click in his mind that they were the same. Though he should have know from their bond drawing them closer. He had hated his attacker for so long. He thought he would never be able to forgive him.

'Why should I forgive him?'

He lifted up his head as he looked outside the window. The day had passed by so fast and before he knew it, it was night.

"I need some afresh air. I need to clear my mind."

All these negative thoughts. Seemed to just be eating at him. He had to get out of this space. As he walked down the hall everyone seemed to be asleep except one sliver of light that shown from the bottom of Bakugo's room. He quickly turned and went down stairs and out of the office. As the night air hit him he breathed in deeply. Making his way to the nearby park.

As he finally reached it a large pond could be seen as the stars and moon shimmered off its surface. He sat on branch near by. As he looked up at the sky becoming lost in thought. A flash of Katsuki's expression of him right before leaving his room filled his mind. A look he had never seen before. One that thought he would ever see in an alphas face.

"What am I going to do?"

He asked himself.

"What indeed."

Replied an unknown voice. He jumped up in surprise as he looked around him to see a hooded figure had been behind him. A sudden chill went down his spin.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

A vile grin crept over the man's face.

"You already know me, and I want you."

He said as he pulled out a knife and flipped it open before licking the blade. Izu's eyes widened at this. He had to run. He had to escape. At this he jack rabbit away. Running as fast as he could. Though before he knew it the man had caught up to him and tripped him. Causing him to roll on the ground just outside the park entrance. He could feel the blood flow from hitting the concrete and getting scrapped. Then the man stood over him looking down in him with an evil look. He then began to kick and press down on him.

Izu let out a cry of pain at this as he clawed and kicked at the man. The man then let off him of to then kick him in the gut. Laughing as he did so.

"You took away what was mine. It's only fair I do the same."

Izu coughed up spit and blood at being kicked at. Then the man kneeled over him. Izu's eyes widened as he began to fight back at the hands coming near his throat. In the process he was cut several times as the knife was knocked away. But he was to weak to fight off this man for long. He then felt it a release of intimidating pheromones. This person was an alpha. At this the hand had reached his throat and began to choke him. He gagged and gasped for air as he clawed at the man's arms.

"Fight all you like. It only makes me want to break you more!"

He could feel his consciousness fading. As darkness began to over take him. Katsuki flashed trough his mind. As tears rolled down his cheeks. Not only because of the possibility of death he was facing, but because of his regrets.

"Shhhh now don't worry you won't die that easily. I still have so much play left in store for you."

At this Izu's lost consciousness. The man let go and smirked as he still saw the shallow breathing. He stood up at this and picked him bridle style. Dashing off into the darkness.

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