Episode 10

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There was darkness all around him. He kept walking till he started to hear someone calling to him from the distance. Not sure where he was going he began to run. The voice was growing louder, but he never seemed to get closer to it. Yet he needed to reach him. His mate was calling for him. Suddenly a scene played out before him in the distance. As his mate struggled against someone and fell to them. In a weak cry he called out.


At this he jolted up right in his bed arm outstretched. His body was covered in a cold sweat. As he panted hard from the nightmare he just had. It was still dark out as he looked at the clock. Blinking back at him that it was just a little after 3am. He felt something was off, and that Izu was in trouble. 

'It was just a dream though...'

He bite on his hand thinking this. He couldn't help it his alpha instincts were telling him something was wrong. At this he jumped out of bed and headed towards Izu's room. He knew that Izu didn't want to see him, but to calm his nerves he need to see him. He took a deep breath as he knocked on the door. There was no reply.
He knocked again.

"Izu? I'm sorry if I'm bothering you I ju..."

As he opened the door he stood there in silence as no one was in the room. Panic began to set in as he rushed room to room calling for Izu. This caused the others to awaken and stumble out of their rooms.

Kirishima let out a yawn as he asked.

"What's wrong?"

The others grouped around as Kats looked at them.

"Have you seen Izu. I can't find him anywhere."

They all shook their heads. When Ocho spoke up.

"Are you sure? He isn't in the office area below?"

"I haven't checked there but with how much I've been calling him. With all the noise being made he would have shown up right."

At this Ocho ran downstairs the other following behind as they all looked for him. But no trace could be found. Kats bit his lower lip in frustration. As he paced around. He then noticed something and called for Ocho.

"Hey, that's not suppose to be like that is it?"

He said as he pointed at the exit. The door was cracked open and a sliver of nightlight peaked in.
She shook her head. Akira clinging onto her. A nervous look on his face.

"No, it most definitely is not."

Kiri looked at Bakugo with a serious look in his face.

"Even if Izuku left on his own it's still to dangerous outside right now. We need to find him and quick. Only you can do this."

He said as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Let's do this!"

Ocho and Akira looked at them a bit confused.

"What's going on?"

"You know how alphas are great trackers and hunters. That's because of our noses. We can smell things pretty well. But some are special like Bakugo here. And what's more because they are soulmates he can much more effectively track Izuku."

Their eyes widened in a bit of surprise at this.

"Now it will be hard to keep up with us. So please stay here in case of anything."

He stated as a command to them.

Bakugo closed his eyes to focus and sharpen his sense as he searched for Izu's scent. As he located it his eyes opened again this time with a faint glimmer. His eyes reflecting the light back. Like a animal at night. As he did he noticed a rainbow of colors around him smelling the air again. He noticed Izu's scent it's color a forest green.

"I've got it. Let's go."

At this they rushed out into the night. Ocho and Akira watching as they did. Her hand clasped in front of her.

"Please be safe, Izu."

He had to focus. There were so many other scents around him. He couldn't loose it. As they raced down the street. Kirishima noticed the direction they were heading in.

"Looks like we're heading for the park."

As they entered they soon found themselves at the bench near the pond. They paused for a moment as Bakugo watched as the scent lingered longer here.  It was some what fresh, but then he noticed another scent that seemed to linger behind Izu's.

"Seems he was here for a while."

Noticing then the scent leading in another direction. This one a little darker in color and seemed to be mixed with fear. As the strange scent before seemingly chased after him. A chill ran down his back at this. As it was not a good sign. The dashed following it till he stopped. His head became dizzy as he staggered. Kiri then catching him and holding him up.

"Hey you okay? Don't push yourself. You fainting here won't help anyone."

He was a gifted alpha but being able to use that gift came with a price. As blood began to trickle from his nose. He quickly covered his face as he looked around.

"This is where a lot of his scent is, and it's mixed with fear and desperation. It seems he was being chased or followed."

Eji froze as he looked at the ground. He tapped Kats and pointed to the ground.

"Bro, if he was here. Then it didn't go well. That's..."

As Kats slowly opened his eyes his vision returning. He looked at what Eji was talking about. Ribbons and drops of blood stained the ground. As panic and rage truly began to sink into him.

"We need to find him now!"


He flinched in pain and groaned as his tried to open his eyes. Moving his hands to rub his face he froze. They were bound by zip ties. His eyes began to adjust to his surroundings. As he laid on a concrete floor. Covered in dirt and a bit of his own blood. He was filled with fear, but tried to be brave in the face of this danger. As he looked around he realized he was in a warehouse and that the sun had risen.

That's when a sudden coldness clasped on his neck. As he gasped and was pulled back to now find a metal collar on him. As he gaged and coughed at this he looked up to see the hooded man holding the chain in his hand as he smiled down at him.

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