Episode 6

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He found himself on top of Izu. As he had pinned the omega down. His face buried in the crook of the males neck below him. breathing in the intoxicated scent also making him almost intoxicated. His own pheromones releasing now as well. Becoming overwhelming as time passed. He grinds his hips against him. Licking the neck before him. Growling at any movement the omega tried.

That's when he heard it. A whimper. His senses became a bit more focused. Although his alpha drive was still high. He wanted this male. He belonged to him. His soul mate. He licked the neck again as his teeth grazed the skin. As he then heard a cry. Right as he was about to bite the omegas neck. Biting his forearm instead. Blood spilling as he teeth had dug deep. As the his pheromones stoped and the scent of his blood filled the air.

He realized Izu had become quite. His face still in his neck as he smelled Izu again. Realizing barely an scent was coming from Izu. What he could smell now was fear.

"Bakugo..." he heard his name called out in a weak whisper.

As he felt the body shake under him. At this Kats snapped out out of it enough enough. Pulling himself back looking down at Izu's face. Half of it was covered by the males arm. But he could see that his teeth were gritted, and tears streamed down his cheek.

The blood on his arm streaming down onto the bed. As the blood also dropped onto Izu's face. Seeing this memories began to flash.
He was hesitant to do anything as his mind was slowly coming back into focus. His memories of the past began to race. As his breathing increased as he began to hyperventilate. His eyes were wide as he was slowly realizing what he had almost done.

Izu could hear the panic breathing and moved his arm. What he saw surprised him. A panic stricken Bakugo still on top of him was looking down at him wide eyed horror. He seemed to be frozen in place. As their eyes locked. Kats began to back up off of him. His head shaking side to side and he repeated.

"No,no. Not again..."

Kats looked down at his hands as they shook. Izu who had been a bit frightened before. Was now worried about what was happening with Bakugo. It seemed like a panic attack, but also something more. He sat up as he called to him again. This time their eyes meeting.

A wave of fear and dread was plastered on Kats face. At this he ran to the bathroom and locked the door behind him.

At this Izu rushed after him and banged on the door. A high and demanding voice calling to him.

"Bakugo, what's going on? What's wrong?"

No reply was given. As Izu continued on. The main door to the room opened as Ocho and Eiji came rushing in. Eiji immediately pulled Izu back.

"Hey you need to calm down." He said as he released a calming scent.

"Izu, what happened?" Ocho asked as she stood before him holding a blanket for him as she gave it to him to tie around his waist.

As Izu calmed a bit Eiji released him. He then explained to them how he woke up and how Bakugo had acted.

At hearing this Eiji gave a sigh. Looking at Izu he replied. "It's complicated and not my place to talk about. Though first we need to get him out of that bathroom. He's having an episode that triggered his ptsd."

As he said this he knocked on the door again with no answer. "You said he never replied to you as well?"

Izu nodded at this worry in his face. 'PTSD? Why would he have something like that? What happened to him?' As these questions swam in his head. Eiji took a deep breath as he said sorry before kicking the door open.

As Eiji entered he paused a moment then rushed in. From the bedroom they could see him collapsed in the floor. Eiji then picked him up princess style as he carried him out of the room. Before exiting the room he turned to them.

"He will be staying in my room tonight. If you bring me the supplies I can bandage him myself." He sighed a bit before continuing. "We can talk more about this tomorrow once Kats wakes up. Until then good night."

At this Izu was doe eyed at having seen Bakugo passed out and in Eiji's arms. Emotions felt like a whirlwind inside him. Fear, confusion, regrets, want, and jealousy. He broke down as he began to cry. A mix both for himself and for Katsuki.

Ocho embraced him as she rubbed his back. "Sshh, it's okay. Everything is going to be okay. You just let out all those tears. Cry as much as you need to."

At this he leaned in to her embrace. Sobbing now as his hormones and mind seemed out of sorts. Maybe even confused about what just happened. And what exactly had happened. He couldn't remember how he got to Kats room. All he could remember was waking up under him.

The alpha pheromones overwhelming him. But as soon as they died down. He was able to look properly at the blonde. Though as soon as he saw the look of fear on his face. It had sent Izu into confusion. Why was there such a look of fear and hate in his eyes? Not hate for Izu, but hate for himself.

Soon after being worn out mentally and physically. He fell asleep in Ocho's arms. As she petted him and hummed a bit. She finally decided to leave this room filled with pheromones.

Despite her looks she was one of the strongest betas around. Her strength training finally paying off. At this she stood up scooping up Izu in her arms. As she carried him to her room.

As she walked down the hall Akira stuck out his head. Worry on his face as he saw Izu.

"I-is he okay?"

"He'll be fine. So no worries."She gave a faint smile.

He fidgeted a bit. Not quite believing her words. She gave a soft daughter at him.

"We don't quite know what happened, and we won't until these two get some rest. We can ask about it tomorrow, okay."

At this Akira nodded. Yawning as he wished them good night and closed his door.

As she reached her room. She settled Izu into bed. She sighed before grabbing the medical kit and taking it to Eiji before going to bed herself. As she turned out the lights to climb in with him. She looked at him worried. If her guess was right. Then she had only heard of cases of this happening. But that doesn't explain Bakugo's reaction.

She gave one final sigh as she closed her eyes for the night. As her subconscious faded of into dreamland. Her last thoughts praying all would be well.

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