Episode 7

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*** I deeply apologize about the wait

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*** I deeply apologize about the wait. My new job is killing me. Also have had some personal issue pop up that I had to take care of. This will be posted on YouTube by Wednesday. Again thank you and I hope you enjoy.***

⛔️this chapter contains adult content. It also depicts violent sexual acts. You have been warned⛔️

The sun shone brightly as it began its evening set. Having finished all my school activities. I was finally free as I stretched my arms above my head. Giving a big sigh of relief as I was finally heading home. The blonde grinned at how great today was going. He had moved up to the next rank in judo. It had felt good showing his strength off. It made him feel proud as an alpha.

As he made his way home a sudden scent caught his attention and then a suspicious noise was heard. He turned his head to an alleyway where it was coming from. The scent was something he had never smelled before. It was drawing him in and he wanted to find out where it was coming from.

As he walked down the alley he finally saw someone. They looked in pain and out of breath. The scent had become intoxicating at this point. His mind was in a haze as he dropped his things to the ground and muttered.

"Your an omega."

The unknown omega turned as they let out a cry of panic. But it was to late Katsuki's pheromones exploded as they mixed with the omegas dominating him. His eyes now dilated as his mind was slowly being taken over by his alpha.

He knew this was wrong, but he couldn't stop. He was warned about this. About omega pheromones. He was told to carry suppressants just in case. He had just laughed at his parents words mocking that possibly anything could over power him. Yet now he understood. Though it was to late.

Before he could realize what was going on. He jumped on the omega. His fangs bared as he attacked them.

***sorry but I will not be going in detail about rape/sex in this series. Also in no way do I condone such things either.***

The sky was now an orange red as it was setting. Katsuki was panting hard as he came back to senses. His vision came back into focus. As it did the dread suddenly came upon his face. As the omega was pinned under him shaking. As their hands kept their neck guarded. He could see all the blood from the bite marks on them he had left.

His eyes widened as he further realized that he was still inside the male. His mind racing as the realization of his actions washed over him. Panic soon set in as he pulled out.

"No,no,no. How could I?" He muttered

Fear and panic taking over as the fight or flight response kicked in. He responded with flight. As he pulled his pants back up and grabbing his bag. He quickly looked back. As he saw the omega not moving as they cried and shook.

"I-I'm so sorry. It's all my fault!"

As he said this he ran as fast as he could home. Not stopping for anything. Until he had made it home and even then he rushed past his parents up to the bathroom. Quickly turning on the showers as he stripped and stepped in. He had to get the fluids and smells off of him as soon as possible. As he stood there letting the water wash over him not being able to tell if he was crying or not. He just repeated over and over.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

As he mumbled these words he opened his eyes.
As the bright morning light shown into the room. A few tears were running down his cheeks. Sitting up he blinked a few times before a splitting headache hit him. He hissed at this. As he squeezed the bridge of his nose and rubbed it.

"Finally awake are ya." The red head stated.

As his eyes got use to the sunlight he saw Eiji sitting by the window. He turned his head and looked over at the blonde. A serious look on his face. He noticed the glimmer of the tear trails on Bakugo's cheeks.

"How are you feeling? You were mumbling a bit in your sleep."

"I feel like my head is splitting open."

Kiri scoffed a bit. "I bet. Those were some strong pheromones last night."

Kats eyes widened at this comment. Kiri looked at him with a questioning look with a raised eyebrow at his reaction.

"How much do you remember of last night?"

"I- I remember when Izuku came into my room, and..."

At this he stoped and his face grew pale.

"D-did I? Is Izuku okay?"

The red head was quite for a moment as he watched his friends reaction. He gave a light smile as he replied.

"Don't worry nothing serious happened to him. Ocho took care of him. Though everyone was confused as to what happened. Even Midoriya couldn't remember exactly how things played out."

He paused a bit before continuing. Trying to handle the issue with care.

"So we wanted to ask you what happened. I think it best if we all sit down and talk this out. Only if you're up for it though..."

At this he walked over to Bakugo who hadn't moved. He seemed to be frozen almost. As a cold sweat came over him. At this Eiji grabbing his shoulder and turning him so that they were face to face.


Still seeing no response he frowned a bit.

"You leave me no choice bro."

At this he did the unthinkable and hugged him.
At first he just felt some pressure, then heat. As he was coming out of his anxiety. As he blinked a few times. He then realized he was being hugged.
Though he quickly realized from the scent who it was. Anger quickly filled him as he then whacked Eiji over the head.

"Oi, what the hell do you think your doing!"

Even though getting hit in the head had hurt. The red head simply grinned at him. Bakugo huffed at him. Folding his arms as he looked away.

"Bringing you back from the abyss, bro."

He rubbed the spot he was hit. As a serious look came back to his face again.

"Did you hear what I said?"

At this he turned and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Yes, and I agree we should sit down and talk about this."

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