Episode 13

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His body was strung tight as his emotions raced through him. His senses were on scale ten. As a splitting pain throbbed in his head. He could feel the blood dripping down not just his nose, but eyes and ears as well. He knew what it would cost him. He knew that he could never be the same after this. He didn't care about any of that. All he could think about was his mate, and that he needed to find him. He was close so close. The scent was getting strong much stronger. Which was an anomaly. It shouldn't be this storing unless....

At this he gritted his teeth and pushed himself even harder. He could tell Kirishima was running as fast as he could to catch up. He couldn't slow down for him he wouldn't. As he rounded the corner he saw the warehouse covered in Izu's scent. An ice cold shiver ran down his spine. His hair stood on end. He heard a humming and the sound of a crack. Then a very weak muffled cry. Something in him was slowly fraying. A deep guttering growl escaped his lips. The whites of his eyes turning into a red mess. He was a true beast in this moment as his reason left him. As Eiji finally caught up to him he bolted again.

"Bakugo! Wait..."

As the door slammed open his eyes widened. Izu hanging like a piece of meat naked and bleeding. While the man held a nine tails whip in his hand. Just stared at him in surprise. Before he could register what he was doing he already had the man in the air by his throat. The man fought him scratching and kicking, but it didn't matter. He dug his nails  into the man's neck. He wanted to kill him. he wanted to make him suffer. This shit had hurt his mate. It was not only the attack  on Izu, but him as well. Suddenly a hand gripped his forearm. A grip so strong that it started to hurt. His blood ruby eyes staring daggers into the man stopping him.

"Bakugo, you need to stop. I'll handle him. You need to take care of Midoriya."

A soft pause between them as he slowly came too.  His pupils slowly returned to normal as the red drained from them. The leaking of blood from his face coming to a stop. His eyes widened at him. He had forgotten. How could he have forgotten. Izu, he needed to be there for him. His anger had gotten the better of him. He lowered the man as he loosened his grip. As Eiji came up to him and grabbed the man from him. Pushing him in Izu's direction.  At this he turned around to see his beloved hanging naked and beaten. His back bloody and covered in gashes. At this sight his heart sank.  He rushed over as he called out to him. Once taking him down and holding him in his arms. Watching as a small smile crept on Izu face before he passed out.

A laugh then rang out. Bakugo turned to see the culprit laughing hysterically. Yet it wasn't Bakugo that replied.

"What is so funny?"

Kirishima asked in a very cold tone.

"Everything and nothing. That omega got what was coming. He took away what was mi..."

He gasped as he was gut punched by his captor. He saw Kirishima glaring down at the man.

"Enough of your psychotic bull shit."

The man just laughed more at this.  "He'll remember this. He will remember me. I'll never be gone. So it doesn't matter what you do to me!"

He couldn't move with Izu in his arms. So all he could do was stare daggers into him. What he could do though was be the alpha he was. At this the man began to choke and claw at his throat. Eiji eyes widened as he watched the scene before him. He then looked up at Bakugo and seeing his eyes redden again.

"Bakugo, that's enough! Your gonna kill him! If you do that you'll never be able to see Izuku again!"

At Eiji's words. The thought of never seeing Izu again. At this he stopped his pheromones. At this the pain from before throbbed in his head again. Not only was his head splitting but every muscle was aching and creaking in sharp pain. Before he could react or say anything he fell to the ground clutching Izu. He heard a muffled call from Kirishima. the wailing of sirens in the distance. Before he slowly blacked out.

The next thing he knew. He was staring up at a white ceiling. The light seemed so bright to him as he raised his arm above his head. As he groaned his head throbbed. Not as bad as before but still a slight pain lingered. As he tried to sit up a medical person walked over to him.

"Oh thank goodness you're awake. I'll go and fetch the doctor so please wait here."

After some time a doctor entered the room approaching him with a chart as he stood. Looking at him with a lukewarm smile.  He knew the doctor had something's to talk to him about, but all he cared about was Izu.  He raised a hand to stop the doctor.

"Where is Izuku Midoriya?"

The doctor nodded a bit before he replied. "He is in the room next door you can see him "after" we talk."

Bakugo nodded. At this the doctor placed the charts down and looked him in the eyes.

"You are an alpha with very rare abilities. Not just one but two. Yet today you pushed them to their limits. To be honest your lucky to be alive."

At this he gave a raised eyebrow.

"So why am I alive then?"

The doctor pushed the glasses that been sliding down his nose up again.

"Because of your mate. This is only my theory , but when he smelled your pheromones it triggered something in his own. You both were hurt. Both of your bodies reacted to each other. They healed you. Not fully, but enough to save your life and your senses."

At this his eyes widened.

"This... this sounds like an ability. I though it was impossible for omega to have abilities? That was why the alpha had them to protect their mates?"

The doctor gave a nod.

"Yes that is usually the case. As a matter of fact it's more rare for an omega with a trait than for an alpha with two traits. You are both very rare. Although the only reason this ability may have shown it-self is because of this situation."

He looks back at the charts reading over to make sure he didn't miss anything.

"Though it seems your senses will be a bit duller than before. It is the price it seems to push them that far. Again you are very lucky."

Kats took in a deep breath as he looked back up at the doctor.
"I need to see him. I need to be with him."

The doctor gave a slight sigh.

"I would usually say otherwise, but he needs your pheromones as well. You can help him heal on a level we can't. So I will allow you to be in a shared room with him."

At this the doctor motioned for him to follow. Stumbling a little as he got out of the bed. Following  the doctor as he made his way down the hall. He was nervous at seeing him. Though he craved him like no other.

"Is he awake?"

"No, you are the first to wake and it has been 3 days for you. So we decided as soon as you were awake. We would explain and place y'all in the same room. We had not realized till after the fact that his pheromones were the ones to have healed you to such a degree. So we are correcting that now. Please help him."

He said this as the reach the room opening the door. Moving to the side for Bakugo to enter. As he looked from the door way his eyes stung some. Seeing his beloved covered in bandages. He slowly entered the room taking Izu's hand and kissing it.

"I'm here my beloved. My mate."

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