Episode 4

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***** This episode contains adult & sexual content. Viewer discretion is advised.*****

As they got home and settled Akira into his room. He slammed the door behind him. Panting as he dropped his bag to the ground. He walked toward his bed loosening the collar around his neck as it it dropped to the floor as well. He then fell into the bed. His body growing hot. Why? Why was his body acting like this all of a sudden. These thoughts raced in his head, but he already knew the answer. Katsuki Bakugo. Some how he had made his way into his mind and stated there. Making himself known to the very fabric of his subconscious. He panted more as he started to undress himself. As he did so he could feel the wetness soaking through his clothing. How had he held it in till now? Though he knew what was happening to him. He couldn't believe it.  Heat. As the room flooded with pheromones. He moaned as a craving clawed at him. He needed to satisfy this thirst. His mind was becoming fuzzy, but he knew who he was craving. He crawled off his bed to his bag on the floor. Taking out the business card from before. Clutching it as he smelled the males scent off it. As he got back to the bed he started to think of the blonde alpha. As his hands began to move.
****Adult Content****
As he reached down a feeling his penis as it was already half up. He could feel the fluid leak from him. As he turned on his back and leaned against the bed frame and pillows. Spreading his legs as his hands reached for his hole. As he began to finger himself with one hand while cradling his cock with the other. He let out a soft moan as his fingers entered. Slowly at first as he worked his way from one finger to two then three. He could feel his insides burn as he rubbed the walls of his entrance. Trying to reach his g-spot. While his right hand was busy with his ass his left stroked his shaft up and down. His cock throbbing as he was feeling please from both ends. He looked at the card that laid on the bed as he moaned then lightly called out the alpha's name. As he reached climax and cummed. Panting as his mind relaxed a bit after exhausting himself. Making him pass out for the night.


Almost a week had passed since that day. He was a bit embarrassed at jacking off to this alpha he barely knew. He had been a bit confused as to why his heat had come so soon. Though realized later on stepping back and reviewing it as a medical professional. He blushed at realizing that this alphas pheromones were special. He had never been turned on by an alpha like this.

Though a word was gnawing at him, mate. Though he couldn't believe it was this person. Was he really supposed to be his fated mate. He touched the back of his neck and rubbed it. He gave a heavy sigh. His inner omega was happy beyond belief. Though his mind was a little worried. He barely knew this alpha, but fated had brought them together. So was this real love? Wanting sex was different from loving someone.

His mind was racing as he mumbled. Then a knock on the door made him jump a bit. Ocho entered as she looked at him with a bit of worry on her face.

"Izu, we need to talk. I can tell somethings been on your mind."

He sighed as he turned in his chair to face her.
Rubbing the back of his head a bit embarrassed at being caught.

"Am I that obvious?"

"More than you realize. Even Akira has noticed. Though he thought you would be more comfortable talking to me about it."

Izu smiled at Akita's kindness.

"He is a good kid."

"Very much so. I can probably guess the main issue your fretting over. You're attracted to that blonde officer, right?"

She asked with a playful smile on her face. Taking the seat across from him. Her legs crossed as she leaned back.

Izu blushed a bit. Was he really so obvious.

"H-how did you know?"

"Please hun. Your face give away your emotions."

She said with a wave of her hand. He blushed in embarrassment at being so easy to read. He sighed as he could no longer hide it from her.

"I've never felt this way about anyone before. His pheromones even caused me to go into a light heat.  I'm not sure how to process all of this. Are these feelings even real?"

As she listened she frowned a little as he spoke.

"Izu, hun, you are over thinking things again."

She spoke as she reached for his hands holding them in hers.

"You just need to focus on one thing. How do you feel about him?"

Izu chewed on his lip a bit. Then looked her in the eyes.

"I can't lie I'm drawn to him. Like no one else I've ever dated before... though I think it may be more than that."

Ocho released his hands and grabbed his face. Making him look at her in the eyes. A slight blush spreading his face. His eyes widened as Ocho looked at him as she studied him. Her eyes then widened.

"A-are you saying that he might be the one?"

Izu nodded as Ocho let go of him. Her face blank at first, but then a grin spread across her face.

"Oh, Izu congrats! Have you spoken to or seen him since?"

Izu sighed as he shook his head in frustration.

"No, I haven't. To be honest I'm not sure on how to approach him."

He rubbed his arm as he leaned back in a bit of frustration. As Ocho just looked at him worry.


But before she could finish they heard the office door open as a bell rang out. Ocho stood as she left the office to greet the person. He sighed as she left placing his head on the desk. His mind was a mess not sure how to handle things. This was a first for him. Yes he had dated before, but his past relationships were not good ones. He thought he had only bad luck with alphas. That he never would be in a happy relationship.

A knock at the door caused him to sit up.

"Yes, come in."

At this the door opened and Ocho stood there with someone behind her.

"We have a guest."

At this she moved aside as the other person walked in. His eyes widened at seeing the blonde alpha. He was wearing a tight black shirt with fit cut blue jeans. This surprised him a bit. Clearing his throat as he greeted him.

"Welcome, though I wasn't expecting you. So I'm a bit surprised. Please take a seat."

The blonde took him on this offer as he sat across. Ocho was about to leave the room when he raised his hand to stop her.

"You need to be here for this as well."

She raised an eyebrow at this but closed the door and sat down. He took a deep breath before he spoke.

"I wish I could come to you with good news. So I'm just going to tell you."

Izu could tell by the serious look on his face how bad this situation was. He gulped a bit.

"That asshole of an alpha has escaped and is on the run."

At this Izu's eyes widened.

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