Episode 3

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The station was buzzing with people. He followed the blonde officer inside. He noticed the others sitting down at desks as they spoke to Ocho and Akira. Yet the blonde kept walking past them all.
He was a bit confused at this.

"This way."

He stated as he waved him to follow. As they reached the door he looked at it as it was opened. The door read -Katsuki Bakugo Police Corporal-
His eyes widened a bit. Why did such a high ranking officer show up to this issue?

As he followed him inside  they both sat opposite of each other. The officer then pulled out some paper and began to fill them out. Silence filled the room as only the scribbling of the pen could be heard.

'Why isn't he saying anything?'

Thinking as he looked up observing the blonde officer. He watched as the rubies eyes  looked over the page. He studied his face resting his chin in his hand.

'His eyes are beautiful I could get lost in them.'

He blushed at this thought.

'Wh-what am I thinking?! Though... looks wise he is attractive...'

He looked up at him again this time noticing his entire face. His lashes were long and highlighted those jewels. His skin was smooth and pale similar to a statue. His gaze falling on his lips that were a light pink. He had become lost in thought as he gazed at this alpha. Causing him to touch his own lips.

The blonde paused his writing as he felt the man's gaze on him. It was an intense one as though a predictor was observing it's pretty. He then looked up to see the omega's face. His eyes widen a bit in surprise. It was sensual a gaze of desire. Though it was for a brief moment as their eyes met the omega snapped out of it. His face returning back to normal. He was a bit disappointed at this. He wanted to see more of it.

He hasn't realized that he had been staring for so long. As he watched those ruby eyes look up at him he quickly snapped out of it. As he cleared his throat.

"So what do you need from me?"

Izu fidgeted a little under his gaze.

"Really I just need your statement about what happened and the reason why you were there. Some of my colleagues seem to recognize you, but I have no idea who you are. So I'll be needed your info as well. This report will help in pressing charges on that deranged alpha."

"Oh, okay. I can do that. I'm Izuku Midoriya a nurse and midwife. Though I'm mostly known for my midwifery. I own my own clinic where I work with my good friend Ochoko. As to why we were there..."

As he listened as Midoriya explained himself. His mind had drilled into him this omegas name by now. His inner alpha was on alert and was hard to keep in check. He wondered what exactly about this omega had made him so on edge. Was he really falling for him? He wasn't sure since the last time he felt anything for someone he had been badly damaged by it.

He wrote as he listened interjecting every now and again. Soon he had all the information needed for the report. Setting his pen down as he finished he gave a sigh of relief as he looked up.

"Well that wraps up what I need for the report. If for some reason this goes to trial you may be called as a witness. Other than that there shouldn't be any issues. Although..."

He paused at this. Not quite sure how to put it.


Izuku asked questioning him.

"If he is able to get out on bail. You and the mother might be in danger."

At this he took out something from his desk drawer. Then writing on it quickly then handing it to him.

"This is my card. It has my work info on there, but I've also put my personal number on here. If for any reason you feel unsafe or that something is off please give me a call."

Izu took the card and stared at it as he rotated it in his hands. Why was he giving his personal contact and offering to help him? He was a bit confused and it showed on his face.

"By the way I'm not doing this just because. I'm offering to help you bc I want to. So let me properly introduce myself this time. I'm Katsuki Bakugo. If you ever need anything don't hesitate ti ask me."

He said with a smiled as Izu was still a bit confused. For an alpha to offer help with no strings attached was rare. Then he came to realize.

'Ah this must be because he is a cop. So it's his duty to protect.'

Izu then grinned and laughed a bit. Causing the blonde to tilt his head a bit.

"What's so funny?"

He tried covering his mouth to stop from laughing ms

"N-nothing, it's just... you really do remind me of a dog now."

"Oi! You making fun of me now?"

He shook his head.

"No in fact I think it's admirable and maybe a bit endearing. Though that might just be your alpha showing."

He was still a bit irritated at the comment, but calmed as Izu spoke. Then slammed his fist on the table.

"My alpha has nothing to do with this. This is just who I am!"

Izu tilted his head a bit. Then grinned mischievous.

"So your saying that your just a hard ass no matter what then?"

He gave a smirk to the male and his snark.
He clicked his tongue at this.

"Oi, I have a fine ass if I do say so myself. Kinda funny coming from a smart ass like yourself."

He retorted back with the smirk still on his face.

'What a cheeky omega.'

Izu was taken back a bit and a slight blush showed on his cheeks. Then he bursted out laughing again.

"Yeah I'm a smart ass. Gotta be if you don't wanna be broken in this world."

He said as he gave a frustrated smile.

Bakugo eyebrows creased a bit at this comment. He knew that omegas faced many hardships. He hated thinking that Izuku faced such issues. Then Izuku placed the business card in his bag as he stood. He gave a slight bow.

"I think it's time I head out. Ocho and Akira are waiting for me."

At this sudden move. He quickly stood up in surprise.

"O-of course."

He replied as Izuku grabbed his bag and headed out the door. Giving one final look at the alpha as he closed the door. His eyes widened a bit at seeing the worried expression on his face. He had to get out he could feel something tugging at him.  He needed some air after all that's happened today. Now these abnormal feelings and thoughts.

As the door closed Katsuki collapsed back in his seat. Pressing his face into his hands.


He sighed as he leaned back in his chair. He could still smell a bit of his pheromones. Then he realized the smell was coming from him. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out the handkerchief as it still had the omegas blood on it. He smelled the the pheromones off it as he leaned back again a bit more relaxed.

"Fuck, I messed up didn't I?"

He sighed as he squeezed his hand tightly.

"Dammit, I think I'm falling for him. Though for it to happen this fast..."

At this he reached for his computer and began typing. After a while he leaned back again his eyes wide. The results he kept seeing over and over again had him stunned. Was this really happening and to him?

"A soulmate..."

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