Episode 8

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*** I apologize to everyone for the long wait

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*** I apologize to everyone for the long wait. It has been very tough for me these past weeks. My mind just hasn't been in the right head space for writing either. Thank you for your continued support. The video for YouTube will be posted soon.***

Everyone was in silence after what they had just heard. To Izu out of control pheromones. To Bakugo's past mistakes. Izu stared at him for a time in shock and disbelief at what he had just heard. The air was thick with tension. Mostly from Izu staring down at him. Though Ocho stare was quite intense as well. While Kirishima just sat there calmly as he already knew of what happened long ago. Akira was just in shock, but having been out on the streets he knew these thing happened all to well.

Izu bit his lip as his his hand balled into a fist. His nails digging into his palms. He was angry, but there was more to his anger. Ocho looked over to him and placed her hand in his. They had both learned something shocking. Then Bakugo spoke.

"I always regretted what happened. I always wanted to apologize to that omega, but I never knew who he was. It was to late. So I decide to be better. To dedicate my life to helping others. To hopefully one day make up for my sins."

Saying this he looked back up at everyone. A blank look on his face. As he braced himself for any harsh words to come. He had become use to people breaking ties with him or throwing harsh words his way when they found out what he did.
Izu who had been staring at him looked away.
Then Ocho spoke first.

"This is a lot to take in. For many a reason."

Her voice breaking the awkward silence. Izu who had been chewing on his lip mumbled.

"I- I apologize for what happened last night. I had no idea my pheromones were at their limit. As for your past..."

Izu stopped frozen in his words. He had turned pale at hearing past events, but he knew them all to well. He stood abruptly.

"Please give me some time..."

He said as he left the room. Only Ocho and Eiji remains now. She looked at him sternly.

"Please give him some time." She stated. "He has a lot to think about."

Bakugo loooked at her a bit puzzled at her words. They implied a much deeper meaning.

"What do you mean?"

She grimaced. "It is not mine to tell."

Bakugo frowned at this confused by her statement. Then he slowly realized that Izu had a past as well. The story of his past must have made him have flash backs. He looked down in frustration with himself. He then felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking up to see Eiji giving him a soft smile.

"Hey, why don't you go get some rest for now."

Bakugo gave a slight nod as he stood and left the room. Ocho watched them both quite at first, but then asked.

"You both seem close."

Eiji turned to look at her.

"Of course, we are childhood friends. It's the same for you yeah?"

She gave him a chuckle as she stood.

"Yeah... I just hope this all works out."

She said before disappearing down the hall.

His hands behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. He was lost in his thoughts at how the others had reacted. How he had reacted. He was pissed at himself. He sighed in frustration. He was surprisingly exhausted and it wasn't even lunch yet. This whole ordeal had him mentally drained. As he thought this slowly  his eyes closed as he nodded off to sleep.

The dream was as vivid as ever as each event played out before him. He was painting after finishing and removed himself from the male. This time though there was no running. The dream wasn't ending, but now he wasn't a boy anymore but his current age. As he realized this he heard the crying of the boy in front of him. His hands still covering his neck. Bite marks covering them along with blood.

He had a rush to help this person and apologize. To do what he could to fix this.

"Hey, Are you okay?"

'Shit.' He thought. 'Of course he's not ok! You dumb ass.'

At this the boy who had been sobbing  grew quite.  Now Bakugo was noticing details about the boy that he hadn't before. He then quickly replied.

"Shit, I-I mean of course your not okay. I mean- I'm sorry."
He was frustrated with himself not sure what to say. Causing him to fumble over his words. The setting sun made it was a little hard to see at times, but lite up the alley enough to see. The male slowly lowered his hands trembling as they fell. He could see him slowly turning and standing. Kats eyes widened as the teens face came into view.

The green hair swayed as a breeze blew. Tears streaming down his face. Anger and hate in his eyes. As his lower half was still naked. His mouth was moving, but no words seem to come out. Bakugo's eyes widened in shock as his stomach sank. As Kats blinked the image changed. He now saw someone he absolute knew for sure. It had been and was Izu the one who was in tears. As his mouth opened and screamed. This time being heard.

"I'll never forgive you!"

He let out a cry as he jumped startled from the bed. His breathing off as he was in a panic. He paid no attention to his surroundings as he suddenly rushed from his room. He had to know the truth. Could it be true, or was it truly just a dream. As he reached the door he banged on it calling for him.

"Izuku. Izuku, please answer the door. I need to talk to you please!"

It was silent at first. Then he heard shuffling as the door then opened. He stood there soaked in sweat his breathing still off. As panic shown in his eyes. Izu stood quietly looking at him. A blank expression on his face. He opened the door fully and gestured to Kats to come in. As he entered the room Kats closed the door behind him. As Izu stopped at his bed his back facing him. Kats then dropped to his knees. As his eyes began to water.

"Izuku, I have to ask." His voice wavered. "I have to know."

He paused for a moment bitting his lower lip before he spoke.

"That day, was that omega you?"

As the question left his mouth he stared at the omegas back. It was quite for a while before Izu turned to face him. His eyes were red from crying. His face had a hard look to it. He looked down into Kats eyes before answering.

"Yes, I'm that omega."

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