Episode 5

864 34 11

*** I apologize for this being late irl has been hell recently. Starting new job and not feeling well. Along with medical issues (example my right wrist that I broke earlier this year and had to have surgery on is acting up.) I will try my best to keep content coming best I can.***

>>>>Also I use this as a base script so the videos are slightly different from what I post here.<<<<

The blonde watched as Izu's eyes widened in disbelief. He gripped his hands together in front of him. He felt like shit telling the omega this. He felt like shit for it. That fool tricked the police and made them and himself look like fucking idiots.

He had a look of determination in his eyes mixed with a serious expression. That's when he noticed the brunette looking at him. She had a serious death glare at him. It sent a slight unnerving feeling in him. He could tell under that bubbly personality she was ruthless.

"So how did this happen?"

She asked with her arms crossed as she gave off an icy death. She was pissed. Even as a beta she had pressure oozing from her. He gritted his teeth as he looked down in frustration gritting his teeth a bit before he began to explain.

"It seems while he was in the county jail waiting for his trial. Since he couldn't afford bail. It seems during that time he had been observing the guards. During a shift change he used it as an opportunity to when there were only two guards. He faked having a seizure to get those guards to open it. Then before they could call in the situation. He jumped them causing serious injury  to them and escaped. "

He hadn't realized he had been holding his breath until he released it after explaining everything. He looked up to see Izu's face filled with worry, but also lost in thought. His eyes gazed down at the floor. He was unsure at first, but decided to go for it. Reaching out for Izu hand that rested on the armrest. Placing his hand on top of as Izu looked up their eyes catching.

"I made a promise that I... that we would protect you and Akira. I never go back on my word."

He said as he gripped Izu's hand.

"That's why I and one other officer will be here to guard ya'll."

At this Izu looked up at him a bit surprised.

"Here? Your going to be staying here?"

The blonde tilts his head to the side.

"Yes, of course. We don't want any issues to happen with your work or place y'all live."

Ocho noticed a slight blush spreading on Izu's face. Causing a mischievous grin across her face. She clapped her hands together surprising both males.

"Well then, let's get ya'll settled in then shall we. So, where is this other officer?"

At that moment aloud bang was heard as the front door was opened suddenly. Followed by a redhead carrying bags in his arm.

"Yo, Bakugo that was mean of ya to leave me with all this baggage. Not fair at all bro."

He then dropped the bags as he looked around.

"Nice place."

Bakugo sighed as he let go of Izu hand. A very annoyed look on his face. As he face palmed while speaking.

"And that would be the other officer and my friend, Eijiro Kirishima."

At this Eiji poked his head into the office.

"I heard my name. Ah, so this is where everyone was hiding."

Eji gave his sharped tooth grin. Bakugo looked over at him annoyed at having a moment ruined.
Izu snapped out of it for a bit at the red heads appearance.

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