ELEVEN | Realization

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"Mom look!" RJ shouted,  jumping into the water.

"I see you!" Lauren smiled looking as her older son seconds later Pete started splashing and kicking at the water on the lower side of the pool trying to get her attention. "I see you too Pete!"

"Looks like they are having fun." Shawn sat on the edge with only his feet inside the water.

An hour before Shawn came to pick her up he called and told her to bring the boys. At first Lauren was a little skeptical about it. For 60 full minutes while Rosalie got them ready Lauren battled with whether or not she really should bring them along with her. Out with Mommy wasn't exactly something RJ and Pete enjoyed anymore and Lauren knew her boys, they could be a handful. Especially without the help of Rosalie or Ray's stern voice telling them to stop acting out or running around touching things they know they aren't supposed to touch. She loved her boys but even Lauren could admit her kids were B.A.D true bay-bay kids if they had enough candy in their system. Lauren wasn't sure if she and Shawn could handle them on their own while managing to get work done. Surprisingly today her boys were well behaved. 

"Thanks again for bringing them along. You really didn't have to. My husband doesn't pay you enough for this." 

"I don't care about your husband's money!" Shawn's dislike/hatred for Ray grew by the day. He didn't even step foot inside the house anymore, He'd ring the doorbell and wait outside for Lauren to come out. It was weird but Lauren didn't question it. "I know you have been struggling to find a way to have some real fun with your boys so here it is."

Lauren nodded her head, holding onto the edge of the pool as she moved her legs as best she could under the water. "Speaking of fun. Did you have fun last night? I remember you saying your cousin tried to fix you up."

"Tried being the operative word. I don't think it worked out the way he originally intended but yeah I had a good time."

Shawn thought back to the night before. Roland tried to fix him up with his best friend Tiffany Edwards in hopes that his best friend and cousin would hit it off and maybe somewhere in the not so distant future wedding bells and an adorable little baby would come from it. Shawn wouldn't have minded. Tiffany is a beautiful, smart, independent, successful black woman, but she wasn't Lauren and he wasn't this Drew guy she had become so wrapped up in. 

"Well at least somebody had a good time last night." Lauren frowned for a moment thinking back to what her home life had become since Ray discovered he didn't have to pick up some random whore in the club when he had a Lauren there to release his frustrations on... well into. The second time he came for her it was after he found out his father didn't trust him enough to plan the anniversary party and had given the task to Andrew instead. Lauren didn't understand why that was so upsetting. Who the hell wants the draining task of planning something for Frank and Pamela Mccall so they can impress their rich stuck up social circle anyway? Andrew sure as hell didn't want to because he pushed it over on Vanessa. Then Vanessa was trying to doop Lauren into helping. And Lauren well Lauren would rather swallow glass than to ever do something stupid like that. Still, Ray felt salty about nobody bothering to include him so Lauren paid the price. She paid the price for everything lately. The Traffic, the bills, if some idiot failed to make his morning coffee correctly Ray was calling on Lauren to spread her legs.

Last night was one of those nights. Ray came home bringing his foul mood along with him. He was visibly irritated and snapped at the littlest things nobody inside their home was exempt to his attitude. Not Rosalie not Pete or RJ and definitely not Lauren.

Late in the night after Rosalie put the boys to bed and went home Ray came into Lauren's bedroom. She didn't protest or pester him with questions of why he came home so upset she just laid there and let him have his way with her. Let him be as careless and rough as he wanted to be. Sometime between this time and the first time she had gotten used to it. She didn't like it, not in the least. Sex with her husband made her feel disgusting and used but she still felt like if this was the worse, the lowest of the low the only place to go now was up. That was until he grunted loudly pulling at her hair as he took one last hard thrust inside her sore middle and said " Butterfly.. I need you."

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