FOURTEEN | Life's Awkward moments

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Andrew had nothing against morning's. He understood that just like the sun had to set at night hours later it had to rise again. That's just how the world worked but never has he ever been the wake up at the crack of fucking dawn kind of guy. Yet here he was pacing back and forth in front of the park where Tiffany took her morning runs waiting like a fool for her to show up. Anxious to see her bright smile even though he was growing more impatient every time he looked at his watch seeing that another ten minutes had passed.

"You came!" Tiffany smiled walking up to the entrance of the park. She was excited to see her boo thang and usually he was just as excited to see her as she was to see him but today Drew looked a bit cranky, irritated....okay he looked pissed the fuck off. "Whats with the oscar the grouch stare?" 

"You said six thirty," Andrew's his nose was flaring and his jaw clenched. "I been here since six thirty Tiff!" It was now seven fifteen.

"Noo I said between six thirty and seven o'clock. I didn't ask you to wait and I certainly wasn't the one who insisted you come." Tiffany tried to keep a serious face. Give him shade because he was giving her attitude but she couldn't keep a straight face. Her loud laugh spilled out of her mouth like vomit during a hangover, she just couldn't hold it in.

"It's not funny. You know why I said I would come. I don't like you running in this park alone." He mumbled watching as she began to stretch. "It isn't safe."

"Because I'm a woman and no real lady can take care of herself." She spoke sarcastically just so he can hear how ridiculous it sounded. "That is what you're implying, Right?" She asked bending over and reaching down letting the tips of her fingers touch her toes.

"I'm not sexist and you know it."

"I bet you rather your women barefoot and pregnant cookin and cleanin" 

She didn't mean much by that comment. It was more of a joke than anything else but for a moment there Andrew was stuck. Reminded of that fact that he and Vanessa were never blessed with children. The sight of her pregnant whether it be barefoot in the kitchen or still working hard to retain her independence he'd probably never be able to see it. All of his friends from College had at least one by now and he watched as his ungrateful brother raised two and no matter how hard they tried he and Nessa hadn't come close to having one.

"I'll race you," Tiffany said bringing Andrew out of his deep thoughts. "Two lap's around the center road. You win I'll make it worth your wild.I win you find time to come over and paint my living room for me. It's about time I redecorate." Before he had the chance to verbally agree to her challenge Tiffany was already on the move. Sprinting away from him putting enough distance between them so that she could then run at a steady pace.

If he didn't know by now that Tiffany Edwards was competitive today was the day he'd find out. Her father put her in a lot of sports when she was younger. He figured he wouldn't have to chase away the boys if they looked at her as just one of the boys, that and Tiffany growing up in a house full of brothers made her naturally competitive. Who could make it to the bathroom first, "Last one to make it around the block has to clean the dishes for a week!" Poor little Seth lost that one every time. Everything was a competition in the Edwards household.

Andrew caught up to Tiffany in the middle of lap number one and managed to pass her until the end of lap two when she faked a leg cramp. Drew quickly stopped to check on her to make sure it was just a harmless cramp and she didn't seriously hurt herself. She wasted no time pushing Andrew to the floor and ran like her life depended on it going in for the Win.

"You cheated." Drew glared at her after taking some time to catch his breath and Tiffany was in the middle performing some ridiculous victory dance.

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