THIRTEEN | Three Steps

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"Second night out in a row, I must I have a party girl on my hands." Kyle the driver joked pulling up to the location that Lauren requested

Lauren laughed shaking her head. She was dressed in a pair of dull gray sweat pants and raggedy T-shirt that over time stretched out and even accumulated a few holes, what she wore didn't come close to passing as party attire.

"No party. Just coming by to discuss some things with a friend." Lauren waited for Kyle to come around and help her out of his wheelchair accessible van and when he did she gently grabbed his arm and looked him straight in the eye. "Kyle if it's okay I'd like to keep my night rides between you and I."

Kyle was paid a healthy salary to be on call at all times and keep his mouth shut. "My job is to make sure you get to your desired location and back home in one piece. It doesn't pay to stick my nose where it doesn't belong. I'm not a spy, your secrets are safe with me Mrs.Mccall."

A part of Lauren was relieved that Kyle would keep her secrets but she wondered just how many secrets did this man hold safely in his brain. More specifically how many of Ray's deep dark secrets did Kyle the tall dark and mysterious driver know? Did he know about Vanessa? Did he know that she was Ray's butterfly? Did little miss butterfly spread her wings in the back of his vehicle? Lauren wanted so badly to ask but she decided to continue on her way saving herself the disappointment hearing him say something like 'I'm sorry Mrs.Mccall I cannot disclose anything about your husband's time with me just as I cannot discuss your whereabouts with him'.


Lauren looked at the text on her phone one more time after she pressed the button on the elevator.

Lauren- OMW

Sarah- cool, I'm cleaning I'll leave the door open just let yourself in.

Rosalie would be so disappointed with Lauren right now and that's exactly why she wasn't going to find out about this until after Lauren heard the woman out first.

Rosalie thought meeting with Sarah to discuss her plan was a horrible idea. Rosalie did her best to convince Lauren to go about this the right way. Tell Andrew about his unfaithful wife, file for a divorce end her marriage and move on. Last thing Lauren needed to do was go plotting revenge with a woman she didn't know from a can of freaking paint.

Rosalie says she shouldn't trust Sarah but Lauren didn't need to trust her. Sarah was the enemy of her enemy so right now that made her a 'friend'. Lauren had never made an enemy in her entire life she wouldn't know how to successfully deal with one and she definitely was stepping on foreign territory when it came to plotting revenge. Lauren the sweet loving mother of two , kind and compassionate not cruel and vindictive. If she was going to hurt Ray and Vanessa she needed Sarah's help.

When Lauren finally approached the door where Sarah said she lived. Lauren was sure she had mistakenly texted her the wrong door number. She heard the beat of the loud music playing all the way from the hall.

I'm kinda buzzed and it's all because

(This is how we do it)

South Central does it like nobody does

(This is how we do it)

To all my neighbors you got much flavor

(This is how we do it)

Let's flip the track, bring the old school back

(This is how we do it)

Lauren reached for the doorknob and just as the text said it was open but no no noo this had to be the wrong place because what business did the snow bunny she had spoken to earlier have blasting this is how we do it by Montell Jordan like she was down like that?

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