FOUR | Guilty

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Andrew woke up to the realization that he was alone. Tiffany's warm body wasn't snuggled up against his with her hand placed gently on his chest. The sweet sounds coming from steady breathing no longer graced his ears as they laid tangled in bed sheets. She was just ...gone. It made Andrew wonder how the hell did she get up from the bed, get dressed and make it out the hotel room without him knowing. If it wasn't for the note she left he would have thought the memory of him burying himself deep inside her as she creamed all over his dick moaning out his name was nothing more than a freaky dream.

Thanks for last night I really needed that

coincidence or fate?

it really doesn't matter I'm just glad I met you

xoxox Tiff-

The note was short and didn't say much but Andrew couldn't stop himself from smiling after reading the neatly written words. She even left a number at the bottom for him to call. As much as he wanted to fold the note up for safe keeping he knew he had to rip it up now before he made up a reason to call her. After last night he could see himself doing something stupid like that. He'd want to see her again just so he can be with her again, feel her again even taste her again. Andrew understood why he couldn't. That woman was just a beautiful stranger and whatever he thought he felt for her was nothing compared to what he felt for his wife.

Shit! His wife, Vanessa! Andrew knew what he had done, he knew it was wrong but it wasn't until this very moment that he realized the magnitude of his wrongdoing. He cheated on his beloved Vanessa. The same Vanessa who chased him around the playground as a kid trying to plant a big wet one on his cheek so she could give him her cooties.

Now the  satisfaction  that came from himself feeling more than just the gripping of his hand was gone and the guilt started to settle in. Andrew was no different than any of the Mccall men. He thought he was different. Drew wasn't obnoxious and rude like Ray he wasn't power driven and self centered like his father he was just Drew. Laid back, sweet and understanding Drew. His mother always told him he was going to break the cycle one day and now look! He fucked up and he fucked up bad. Ripping up the note into even smaller pieces and dropped them onto the floor before he went to shower so he can wash off all the amazing yet dirty and sinful things he had done the night before with a woman he barely knew.


Tiffany stumbled into her apartment and immediately began to undress. Kicking off her heels and sliding out of her dress. She was going to take a long hot bubble bath reminisce on her night with Drew. She hated that she had to leave him without out a proper goodbye but who wants to live through the awkwardness of 'morning after'? She sure as hell didn't. So Tiffany made the decision for both of them to skip that part.

Now walking into her bedroom as naked and free as the day she was born Tiffany moved straight to her dresser to pick out her outfit for the day.

"Somebody has been a dirty little alley cat!"

Tiffany almost jumped out of her skin at the sound of Remy's voice. "Remy what the hell!" Tiffany placed her hand over her heart trying to calm herself down. "What are you doing here!" Seeing Remy spread out on her bed in his outfit from the night before wasn't something she was expecting.

"I looked everywhere for you! called your phone you are lucky I didn't report you missing." Remy was worried sick when he returned from his argument with David to see Tiffany was nowhere to be found. No way was he going to explain to her father and four brothers that he dragged her out and then lost her. Tiffany was a grown woman but her family still viewed her as their baby girl and each and every one of them were extremely overprotective.

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