EIGHT | The Lines of Friendship

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Shawn jogged up the front steps leading to Lauren's home just itching with excitement. He really was looking forward to working with Lauren today. Not that he didn't look forward to working with her every day because he did, spending time with Lauren Mccall has weirdly became the highlight of his day. But today wasn't just any day, today Shawn had a surprise for her one he knew she'd love and he couldn't wait to see her face light up when he presented her with it.

Knocking on the front door he waited patiently for Rosalie to open it as usual with a growing smile only today Rosalie seemed a bit off. She looked at Shawn with wide eyes and stood frozen not sure if she should allow him inside or not.  "Hola Mr Becom... eh Lauren is..."

Shawn Looked at the woman strangely. "Lauren is here isn't she?" Lauren canceled on him yesterday but that was only because she had a family thing to prepare herself and the kids for he highly doubted she was going to cancel two days in a row especially knowing how badly she wanted to walk again,

"Ci Ci, come in." Rosalie still stumbled over her words unsure of what to say. Rosalie's schedule went the same every single day, Come in start on breakfast, get the children ready for school or whatever they had planned for the day and then wake Lauren and help her prepare for her work out with Shawn. But this morning she clearly walked into the twilight zone when she saw that Lauren was in bed with Ray who snoring loudly beside her. He was as naked as the day he was born without so much of a sheet covering his body. Rosalie shut her eyes tightly leaving the room just as quickly as she entered. Raymond Mccall's private area wasn't something she wanted to see she'd wash her eyes out with bleach if she didn't fear going blind!

Did this mean Lauren and Ray were  working things out? Rosalie hoped not! She could have sworn she saw something beautiful blossoming between Shawn and Lauren. Not that she was expecting Lauren to cheat or anything like that but it was nice to see the woman smile and not that fake forced smile she put on so people didn't see how broken she really was inside but a real genuine heart warming smile, Rosalie noticed that only happened when Shawn was around. She didn't like Raymond. She saw the poor example of a man he was for his two growing boys by treating his wife horribly, Lauren and her children deserved better.

"I'll get her," Rosalie told him. "Why don't you have a seat?" Walking back toward Lauren's bedroom she knocked loudly and gave herself a good thirty seconds before she entered. Ray was awake this time and thank god he had boxers on.

"What Rosalie!" Ray snapped rubbing his temples as the splitting headache rocked his foggy brain. He drank way too much last night.

"Mr. Becom is here for Mrs. Mccall." Rosalie told him nervously toying with her fingers as she looked down at her shoes wishing she was anywhere else but here at the moment.

"I forgot he was coming," Ray mumbled. Standing up this time he rubbed his lower back. How Lauren slept on that piece of shit she called a bed was beyond him.  "Lauren get up your trainer is here." He shook her lightly to wake her then he left the bedroom.  "Hey. Lauren just woke up she just need's a little time to get herself together I kind of worn her out last night." He said to shawn. 

Shawn only looked at the half naked man for a second before nodding and turning away, staring at the blank television screen. Worn her out? Lauren was having sex with him! Shawn had no reason to be upset Ray may be a smug self-righteous asshole but that asshole was her husband the father of her children and Shawn was only her trainer... her friend he knew that and he understood it completely he just didn't like it.


Lauren didn't get much sleep last night. She laid awake for hours waiting for Ray to get up and leave but he never did. She felt so dirty and cheap after he stumbled into her room and drunkenly fucked her. In Lauren's eyes right now the only thing that separated her from a prostitute was that there was no hush money left on the dresser afterwards. The running water from her shower was just the camouflage she needed to hide her crying. As the water flowed so did her tears. Lauren cried and scrubbed her skin until it hurt and still after all of that it didn't wash away the filth. She was glad Shawn was here, they can workout, talk, laugh and she can possibly forget all about last night.

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