TWENTY | 100%

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"You don't need me to train you," Shawn said to Tiffany. "You are already in shape and clearly know what you're doing." They met at the gym early as Tiffany requested. They worked out and she already knew how to use every machine, she understood the importance of stretching and did everything in the correct form.

"You're right I know what I'm doing. I just needed an excuse to see you." After an interesting discussion with Remy about Shawn Tiffany felt like she needed to talk to him. face to face. "I wanted to talk."

"Tiff I'm your friend. You don't need to come up with an excuse to see me or talk to me for that matter." He grabbed his bottled water unscrewed the top and took a quick sip. "Whats up?"

Shawn was a sweet guy, real easy to talk to but Tiffany didn't know how he would feel about her prying into his personal life especially the part that had absolutely nothing to do with her. That's why she chose to meet at the gym. Fitness was Shawn's comfort zone that and after all the work out they both put in Tiffany was sure he had burned off most of his pent up frustrations. 

"I was talking to Remy the other day and...." She paused. "He um told me that you a ah client parted ways recently."

And there it was, Shawn tensed up and his jaw clenched. He knew exactly what client she was referring to and he didn't feel like talking about it. "Trainers part ways with their clients all the time. No big deal."

Tiffany's lips pressed together and she tilted her head to the side. "When you have feelings for that client it is a big deal and you know it.It's okay for you to admit that it bothers don't have to down play it Shawn. Especially not to me."

"Okay so yeah Lauren fired me. Not much I can do about that." Yep Lauren fired him, she gave him the ax the boot or whatever you want to call it. She felt like he didn't support her. Like he was against her and she didn't need people like that in her life so she wanted him out. Their hard work was finally paying off she was able to stand now with the help of her arm crutches she could take a few steps. It was obvious that Shawn's methods were working and now she was dropping him like a bad fucking habit all because he wasn't going to pretend like she was fine just to get a hefty weekly check. "She's focusing on her divorce right now."

"Oh yeah she's finally giving that asshole of a husband the boot?"

"Yeah Ray is even out the house now...staying in a hotel or with his parents. Not sure."

"Ray as in Raymond Mccall?" Tiffany asked

Shawn nodded his head. God did he hate that man. "You know him?"

"You remember that Drew guy I told you about? Ray's his brother."

Shawn's eye brows rose in surprise. "Small world."

Tiffany shook her head. "Too small" she muttered. She knew it was no coincidence even when Ramy tried to convince her otherwise. Lauren Mccall was Shawn's Lauren! "So now that he's out you can your move."

"Tiffany are forgetting the fact that she fired me!"

"Still doesn't mean you can't date her Shawn!" 

Shawn sighed and walked over to the weight area. "I'm not sure if I even want to anymore. Lauren is different now. She doesn't trust anybody, not even me."

Tiffany followed behind Shawn she wanted to slap him upside his head. She didn't know Lauren very well but from what she gathered the woman had way more than her fair share of heartaches and disappointments. She was struggling to walk again she had two children with a man who is nothing but an egotistical tool. Who slept with his damn sister-in-law. The same sister-in-law who pretended to be Lauren's friend so yeah the woman was going to have some trust issues! Still didn't mean Shawn should give up so easily.

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