FIFTEEN | Better Off This Way

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Tiffany showed up on her best friend's doorstep in tears her cheeks stained with smeared mascara and Remy let her in without hesitation but he damn near died choking back his 'I told you so!' after he found out what was going on. Roland A.K.A Remy 'mu'fuckin' Monroe wasn't surprised to hear that Mr 'oh so perfect' Drew fucked up. What he was surprised to hear was that the man was married and Tiffany just so happened to be hired by his clueless wife to plan his parents anniversary party. This shit was spicy! So spicy that he could dip in in some blue cheese dipping sauce and take it down like an order of hot wings.

Tiffany and Drew were destined to end badly. Remy expected it ,saw the train crashing from miles away and even warned Tiffany of it but she insisted he drop it that if he was her best friend he'd support her being happy. So he did. And now look! Tiffany was angry and heart broken all in one. This was yet another failed relationship that Remy had to help her get past and he definitely learned from the last time. Going out looking for a good time and a guy to just have 'fun' with wasn't the way to go. Lime and lemon wedges, a little salt a bottle of tequila and his ears to just be open and listen was  just what she needed.


"Married!!" Tiffany shouted loudly after taking another shot. "That asshole is MARRIED!"

Remy shook his head placing his hand on her shoulder. "Tiff girl I hear you!" He heard it that time just as well as the first ten times she said it.

"How could I be so stupid!"

"Blinded by the dick girl blinded by the dick!" Remy understood that all too well. Good dick could do some powerful things.It'll have you doing cartwheels have you blind, make you crazy following behind a man like a lost puppy.

"THATS IT!" Tiffany jumped up and pointed at Remy as if he just said the winning answer to a television game show. What good dick it was.....Drew wasn't long & thick for nothin his stroke game was out of this world but nope that wasn't it.There was so much more to that man than his skills in the bedroom, that was just an added bonus.Tiffany flopped back down. "Rem, I really liked him." Her voice cracked and suddenly the Tequila wasn't doing its job anymore. The burn from the alcohol had nothing on the pain she felt. Her heart hurt and the tears Remy worked so hard to wipe off her face were building back up all over again.

"I know ...I know." Remy frowned getting up from his chair to sit beside Tiffany giving her a comforting hug.

Was everything Drew ever told her a lie? It must have been! All that bullshit about feeling alive when around her, how she made him happier than he's been in a while had to be a complete lie and when he talked about his family saying he was constantly feeling pressured to live up to the person his parents expected him to be, having to be an example for his older brother when it really should be the other way around had to be his way of making her feel special like he trusted her to knew what others probably didn't... so he can make her feel like more than what she was. That way she wouldn't question why he couldn't stay over all night or why she never was invited to his place. She thought she and Drew were starting something good but if she had to be real and see things for what they were she was nothing more than his whore! A mistress and all this time she didn't even know it. Andrew played her and he played her good.

"I should have keyed his car!" She blurted out.

"We could jump him! Pull up to the house drag his ass out and jump him. If his Wife want it she could get it too." Remy wasn't much of a fighter, never was but for Tiffany he would be.

Tiffany wanted to laugh but she just didn't have it in her. She shook her head "Vanessa is really one of the nicest people I have ever met. It isn't her fault that her husband has community dick! She's innocent in all of this."

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