THREE | The Perfect Stranger

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"Look at him dancing with her like he's not a down low brotha. I bet she don't even know they are batting for the same team!" Remy spoke bitterly before taking another sip of his drink. "He has some nerve! winking at me like I'm supposed to get weak at the knees over him" Rem said with venom in his voice. He was pouring his heart out to Tiffany about David, that was until Remy realized she wasn't listening to him because she was so focused on a stranger she knew nothing about other than his name supposedly being 'Drew'.

Tiffany blinked a few times shaking her head and twirling around on the barstool until she was facing Remy again. "Sorry, what were you saying?" She wanted to help Remy through his little crisis but wasn't it her situation that got them put here in the first place? Tonight was her night to find a distraction and that's exactly what this Drew guy was giving her without even trying.

"Somebody's thirsty," Remy said into her ear before bumping her playfully with his hip. "Bartender please get my friend here a tall glass of water she's a little parched.

"Me thirsty? Never!" Tiffany denied it even though Remy was right. She was dying of thirst and the only thing capable of quenching that thirst was a tall glass of Drew himself.

Remy pressed his lips together tightly he didn't believe that lie for a second. Tiffany frowned. "Is it really that obvious?" She asked in that moment feeling pathetic.

"Boo, you are open like a stripper's legs on the first of the month!" Remy laughed obnoxiously at his own joke. Too bad his laughing was cut short by the sudden pain from Tiffany pinching his arm. "Ouwwwww Ouch damn I'm sorry." Rem rubbed his arm glaring at his friend.  How dare she pinch him like that? That was definitely going to leave a bruise. "It was just a little jokey joke."

"Well, I don't find it funny." Tiffany snapped.

"What's so special about this guy anyway?" Remy had to ask.

"I don't know" Tiffany had no idea what separated Drew from the rest but she damn sure wanted to find out.

She observed Drew and the guy he was with from afar. His friend was loud, wild and crazy grabbing women left and right Drew was cool calm and collected leaving women to practically drool over him,Tiffany included.

"Rem what do I do?"  Tiffany didn't have to be told that. She's a woman who was used to getting what she wanted and if she wanted Drew she knew exactly what to do But Rem decided to answer her anyway.

"What do you think? Put your big girl panties on and go over there."

"We need to talk." David must have gotten tired of eyeing Remy from across the lounge. He finally found a way to ditch his date and that left him just a few minutes to talk to Remy.

Remy faced David gracing him with his middle finger. "I'd tell you to stick it where the sun don't shine . But you might like that too much!"

David's jaw clenched as Remy gave him an intense look as if he was trying to set fire to him with his mind. And Tiffany sat between the two wishing she was anywhere but here right about now. She had no idea what to do. Does she tell David to get lost or was this something Remy wanted to handle on his own?

"Roland." David started calling Remy by his birth name instead of the name he had chosen to give himself. "Please." He begged.

Remy wanted to say no. He wanted to tell David off. His next insulting come back was right on the tip of his tongue but the desperate pleading look on David's face stopped him. "You have five minutes." After giving Tiffany an apologetic look Remy left the bar with Dravid and knowing Remy he damn sure wasn't coming back in five minutes. She'd be lucky if he came back at all.

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