Chapter One- Hogwarts Express

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Dan Howell pushes his squeaky metal cart along the train station floors, searching for the monumental pillar between Platform 9 and Platform 10. He knew the routine by now. After all, this was his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He finally saw the familiar brick wall, an unsuspecting shield to guard the secrets of the wizarding world. He turns around one last time to give his Muggle parents a hug.

"Have fun, Daniel," his mother sweetly whispers in his ear, engulfing him in her arms and her lilac scented perfume.

"I will, Mum," he says, turning to his father and wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Make us proud, kiddo," he states confidently, patting his 15-year-old son on the back. "See you when Christmas comes."

"And try to make some friends, too!" his mum adds. He rolls his eyes and gives each of them a peck on the cheek.

"Alright, alright. I will, and I'm going to miss you very much. Now I've got to go, I'm going to miss the train!" he exclaims, bracing himself on his cart, ready to sprint. His parents step back as he adjusts his green and black Slytherin scarf and takes off, running directly towards the brick wall. Instead off hitting it and having his books and robes fly everywhere, he passes directly through it as easily as a knife slices through butter.

On the other side, kids and their families stood on the platform, waving farewell and hugging each other. A group of slightly confused first years wandered around, clutching their Hogwarts letters and their bags of supplies nervously. A large family of redheads were hurredly getting organized and kissing goodbye, practically racing to board the Hogwarts Express. Dan inhales the familiar smell of the engine steam and oil. Platform 9 3/4.

Dan remembers when his Hogwarts letter first came in the mail. His parents had been so happy, he was special, and they never had anyone magical in the family before, and how they were so glad that he could finally leave his crappy school in Manchester filled with crappy and mean kids. Dan had thought that, too. Only, Hogwarts was just another school where he was ignored and teased. He only had one friend, and that was Louise. She was also the only one who knew his big secret- one that he hopes will remain a secret for a very, very, long time.

He didn't tell his parents any of this, of course. They would probably freak out and take him out of school- again- but there was no way he was leaving Hogwarts. Despite the jerk wads, it was still practically his home.

He sweeps his eyes over the crowd, trying to spot a familiar head of blonde hair. He sighs, exasperated. She was probably already seated on the train.

He unloads his larger belongings before climbing aboard with a small bag in hand. He passes compartment after compartment, all of them full, and none of them with Louise. He finally reaches one with a single boy sitting in it. He slides the door open cautiously and pokes his head in.

"Hey mate, is this seat taken?" Dan asks, pointing to an empty seat across from the boy. The boy looks up from the book he's reading and shakes his head, his black hair falling carelessly around his electric blue eyes. "Oh, um no, you can sit there."

Dan smiles awkwardly and shuffles over to the seat, fiddling with his scarf unconsciously. The boy glances up from his book again, staring at Dan's chest.

"What's that on your shirt?" he asks curiously. Dan glances down.

"Oh, um, that's Attack on Titan. It's an anime."

The boy furrows his brow. "Oh, yeah, I think I've briefly heard it mentioned by Muggle-borns around school. I don't really know, though. My family is mostly wizards." His gaze rises, and he meets eyes with Dan. "Are you Muggle-born?"

Dan gulps. "Umm...I don't know, I mean, I guess if you want to get technical, but then I'd have to do all this stuff, and it's just-"

"Whoa, relax," the boy says playfully. "I'm not some Pureblood supremacist, if that's what you're afraid of. Honestly, this whole 'classifying people based on their family blood' thing annoys me."

Dan sighs in relief. "Oh, well in that case- yeah. Both my parents are Muggles."

The boy smiles brightly and sticks out his hand, setting down his book beside him. "Phil Lester, fifth year Hufflepuff."

Dan shakes it cautiously. "Dan Howell, fifth year Slytherin."

"If we're in the same year, how come we've never met before?" Phil tilts his head, questioningly. Dan shrugs.

"I kind of keep to myself."

"Yeah, same."

They sit in awkward silence for a long time until Louise barges into the compartment.

"Dan," she pants, "I was...looking everywhere...for you!"

Phil raises his eyebrows at Dan. "Is that your girlfriend?" he asks, pointing to Louise.

"What?! Oh, nonono, I don't like gir- I mean, yeah girls are cool, I just don't like- no, I don't like her like that, yeah no, she and I aren't-"

"Dan, breathe," Phil soothes. "Deep breaths. In...and out."

Louise leans against the doorframe, snickering behind her robin egg blue painted nails. Dan shoots her a death glare.

"Anyways, as I was saying," she interrupts, "I was gonna tell you that we should be arriving soon, so it would be wise to change into your robes. That's what I was about to do."

"Yeah, yeah okay," Dan says, standing up. He glances back at Phil and smiles weakly. "See ya around?" he asks hopefully. Phil nods.

"See you around."


A/N: Um yeah I'm not sure if I will make this an actual thing...the idea just kind of popped into my head, but now I'm thinking of doing it...

What do you think?

I should probably finish another one first though before I involve myself in another fanfiction.

Well, anyways, tally-ho for now!



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