Chapter Thirteen- Betraya et amoris

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Bellatrix moves with her usual air of deranged superiority. Only one thought prevails amongst her twisted mind, and that thought involves her revenge on the new generation of blood-traitors. She will make them pay for their parents mistakes: murdering her beloved Dark Lord.

And, of course, she has a special surprise for the Longbottoms.

Her hand grasps the large canteen at her side, filled with a potion that had taken months of brewing.


After tonight, she will finally have the final ingredient.

After nearly twenty years, she will finally be able to put her plan into motion.

She chuckles to herself. Oh, if only my Lord could see me now!

She pulls a thick woolen hood over her face, hiding her matted, ebony curls, now streaked with grey.

A shiny blue door stands before her, a brass lantern beside it dusted with
snow. She whips out her wand and kisses it, whispering an incantation.

"Bombarda maxima."

The door flies off its hinges, surrounding by an emerald glow. She breezes into the house. A woman with pale grey-blue eyes and wavy blonde hair runs into the room, her wand pointed at Bellatrix threateningly. Bellatrix drops her hood to the floor, eyes wide with glee. At the sight of the witch, the woman gasps, nearly dropping her weapon.

"But, you- you're dead!" she exclaims, her voice as soft and light and sleigh bells. Bellatrix snickers.

"Oh, but isn't that what everyone is supposed to think?"

The blonde woman points her wand shakily at Bellatrix, trying to regain her breath. "No... I saw you... Molly Weasley killed you!" 

"Oh dear Luna, aren't you a Ravenclaw? Shouldn't you be able to figure this out?" Bellatrix takes a step toward her.

Luna stamps her foot and puffs out her chest. "No! I will not fall for whatever type of tricks you're playing, whoever you are! I will contact the Ministry, and then everyone will know!"

Bellatrix falters in her footsteps. She hangs her head low, her shoulders shaking. Luna circles her warily.

"Oh, Luna, Luna, Luna...sweat, dear Luna..." she chuckles. Luna steps back and raises her wand shakily.

Luna Lovegood studies the features of the witch in front of her. Bellatrix's eyes are narrowed, and something sinister swims behind those jet black pupils. Her tongue darts over her yellowed teeth, and an almost guttural growl erupts from the back of her throat. It has been twenty years since Luna has seen this face, but it is a face that will forever remain implanted in the back of her mind.

It is the face of a Death Eater ready to kill.

"What do you want, Bellatrix?" Luna sneers, fear cracking through her voice.

The corner of Bellatrix's mouth turns upwards, her mouth slanting sideways. It seems . . . familiar to Luna, somehow . . . But she doesn't associate it with this twisted creature before her, no, she has seen that same smirk somewhere before . . .

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