Chapter Six- Amortentia

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Slughorn rapped his knuckle on his desk, causing Dan to leap out of his chair. Phil laughs beside him as Dan felt a blush creeping up his neck.

"Phiiiillll," Dan groans. Phil stifles a giggle and Dan pushes him playfully. God, his laugh is so bloody adorable.

"Aw, you know you love it," Phil insists. Dan shrugs his shoulders and tries to hide his burning cheeks.

"Mr. Howell, Mr. Lester, is there something that you would like to share with the class?"

Phil shakes his head. "No, Professor."

Slughorn gives them a stern look. "Then I don't know why you're talking."

"Yes, Professor. Sorry, Professor. It won't happen again, Professor," Dan says with in a monotonous tone. Slughorn raises his eyebrow before turning back to his cauldron. Dan and Phil have their own placed between them, trying to recreate Amortentia.

"Are we doing this right?" Phil asks. Dan sniffs the draught.

"I think that you killed it."

"Oh, shut up."

Slughorn gives them another doubting look before motioning to a diagram drawn on the board. "Amortentia is one of the world's strongest love potions. Amortentia doesn't create actual love, of course. That's impossible. But it does cause a powerful infatuation or obsession. For that reason, it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room." Slughorn eyes the students skeptically, like he was afraid that anyone would administer it to another student.

Dan feels his heart race. What would happen if he gave it to another student? Not that he would ever do that, obviously. He wouldn't ever do something like that to Phil.

Phil leans over his crackling textbook. His black hair flops into his blue-green eyes. His intensity surrounded by an air of nonchalance almost reminds Dan of a cat watching a fish curiously. Oh god, Daniel, now you're just being ridiculous. Making up totally irrelevant metaphors for the most ordinary things he does. God, I have it worse than I thought...

Phil sets his book down and reaches for a vial near Dan's side of the table. "Okay, it says here we need some mother-of-pearl..." He stretches his arm, not paying attention to what he was doing. Phil accidentally knocks over the entire bottle, colliding Dan in the process. Dan grunts as Phil stumbles into his chair, knocking both of them to the floor in a flurry of robes and shouts. He lands on Dan's chest with a thud!, one hand on Dan's shoulder, the other on the floor. Dan's heart rate increases. Their faces were so close, if he leaned forward just a little bit, they would be kissing...

Dan hears mumbles and snickers and is suddenly aware of the dozens of eyes staring down at the two of them.

"Mister Howell, Mister Lester, did I not make myself clear when I said no fooling around?" Slughorn scolds. He notices the spilled vial and motions for Phil to come forward. "Well, come on now, you can't brew an empty bottle."

Dan blushes and bolts upright, gently pushing Phil off of him.

His face was burning as his classmates whispered behind their hands and made subtle eyebrow raises or flirty expressions. Dan sighs and plops into his seat, pulling his chair all the way to the table as Phil takes the small flask up to Professor Slughorn. He refills the glass container and carries it back to their shared desk.

"Oh hey, um, sorry...I didn't mean to spill all of our stuff, and then I knocked into you, that must have been awful, I'm sorry Dan-"

"No, Phil, that's the problem. It wasn't awful." Dan mumbles.

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