Chapter Sixteen- Reveal

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It was one of those days when the wind blew the wrong way, and the clouds would block the sun, and your mood was dampened with a feeling of anxiety that you couldn't account for. Phil was whisked through his classes with that strange sense of foreboding; something bad was going to happen, he just couldn't place his finger on what. Is it Luna?, he thinks to himself whilst sitting on the floor of the greenhouse, letting the familiarity of the herbs and flowers around the sunlit room comfort him. Susan sits on an overturned flower pot outside, her tail twitching impatiently. The sun hangs low in the bleeding sky, splashing an array of pinks and yellows across the feathery clouds. The whooshing sound of wind being pushed through an open doorway draws Phil back to reality; he looks up to see Dan blinking back down at him.

"Hey, I've been looking for you. Is something wrong?" His voice is peppered with emotions that Phil can't identify.

"Um...I'm not sure," he says, truthfully. It's so hard to lie to Dan; his golden brown eyes make all negative intentions or thoughts melt away.

Dan pouts and slides down next to Phil, resting his head on his shoulder. He grabs his hand and squeezes it lightly. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Phil sighs heavily and closes his eyes. Did he want to talk about it? "I just- have you ever had that gut feeling that something's wrong, and you think you may know what it is, but you just go into this stage of denial?"

Dan's breath falters. "Does it have anything to do with me?"

Phil's eyes widen. "No, no, not at all!" He takes Dan's hands in his own and sustains eye contact. "Nothing that may happen could ever make me doubt you. I love you. Understand?"

Dan nods, scattered bits of salt water sprinkling his eyes. "I love you too," he says, rubbing circles circles over Phil's knuckles with his thumbs. He suddenly stops.

"Is it Luna?" Dan asks softly. Phil catches his breath. "Yes," he whispers, his voice trembling. "I hate that I feel this way, but I can't help but feel that there's something wrong, and I hate feeling badly towards people, Dan. Especially when it's someone whom I trust...or used to trust, anyway-"

"Phil." Dan's voice is firm and resonates through Phil's body. "Phil. Listen to me. Don't feel bad, okay? For all you know, all of our suspicions may be valid. Hopefully not, but so many things have been unusual this year, and nothing seems to be making any sense."

"She was chanting to herself in the middle of the night."

"Exactly! That gives you a good reason to suspect something! I'm not saying that she there is something bad about her, but...uh..."

"Don't worry, I know what you mean." Phil coos. They sit in silence for a few minutes, pondering the great series of events that have taken place over the year. Luna...McGonagall's disappearance...all of the rumors...there must be something that Phil's missing...

"Phil?" Dan's light voice breaks through the heavy silence.

"Yes, Dan?"

"Can I kiss you now?"

Phil looks up at him. His brown eyes radiate curiosity and desire with the certainty of a thousand suns. Phil leans in and presses his lips against Dan's, their hands still enfolded in one another's. Phil feels Dan's eyelashes flutter against his face, and his heart tumbles deeper and deeper in love with every passing second.

Whether five seconds, five minutes, or five hours had passed, it didn't even matter. All that matters is that right now, in this moment, they let go of everything and just enjoy what time they have together. For they are young and innocent, and the young and innocent are supposed to love each other before they grow old and all of the love is drawn from their veins by the cruel fangs of Life. They eventually pull away, and Dan nestles his head on Phil's chest.

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