Final Update

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New year new update!! :)

There will be two parts to this final update. For this first one, I'm going to talk about The Cursed Child, the "phandom", and some other dated elements of this story.

I think it's obvious to some that I planned this story before The Cursed Child came out. When I wrote this, little was known of the next gen characters, such as Scorpius and Rose, and while I didn't include them in the story very much, had I read The Cursed Child let's just say the little I included of them wouldn't have been in there at all.

I had many issues with The Cursed Child as a whole, but I think most people can agree that Scorpius Malfoy is the one good thing that came from it. If that play wasn't enough, I think The Crimes of Grindelwald definitely proves how much of a sellout J.K. Rowling truly is, but my own personal issues with that aren't relevant right now. What's relevant is that I'm sorry for the portrayal of Scorpius Malfoy in this story. We all know he was so incredibly sweet and in love with Albus Potter and Rose Weasley was a badass of course but they definitely wouldn't have dated.

Also yeaaah the whole thing with Phil and Scorpius technically being related obviously hadn't occurred to me until commenters pointed that out but obviously by that point I couldn't change anything so that's just a fun aspect of this story we'll always get to remember

How weird is it though that I basically wrote the whole plot line of main-character-is-actually-offspring-of-Bellatrix-Lestrange before J.K Rowling though wow I should sign a book deal

Speaking of dating, I have grown a lot since I was 13 and no longer really believe in shipping real life people. I regret that most of the good fanfiction I wrote on this site was Phan, but there's nothing I can really change about that now. I was a different person, and I suppose that the best place to talk about this isn't to a readership of phan supporters, but I don't really care. To each their own, I'm just not about that life anymore.

This goes for all of the other YouTube ships, too. Troyler was obviously dated, and was even transitioning out of popularity when this was being written, but I literally decided what to include based on commenters and that's who responded in the weeks between two specific chapters so that's what everyone was stuck with.

I seriously considered rewriting this fanfiction recently. I was going to make it lesbian and convert it into an actual canonically accurate story, but ended up not doing that bc I got lazy and busy w college apps and stuff :( Also my phone broke recently so I don't have any of the research I did for it so sorry y'all but that ain't happening as awesome as I'm sure it would be. It would just be SO much work because let's face it this story needs a major face lift in terms of plot and pacing and characterization and literally everything I wrote most of it when I was still in middle school yeah some later chapters are good but like... it's definitely not Great

Okay y'all now comes the part where I get sentimental and talk about my personal life so if you want to just skip over that and see the original plot outline I made for this in like 2015 and the unfinished Chapter Eighteen just scroll down to the very bottom

As any person who visits my profile would know, I haven't been active on this site in 2 years. I actually debated updating now, to be honest.

But with the start of a new year, I decided the 25k viewers of this story deserved at least some explanation as to where I have been the past 4 years and why I abandoned this story that I poured so much passion into.

This story started as a one-shot I wrote at 1 am sometime during fall of 2014. That subsequent winter was particularly difficult for me. I was 13 and had just experienced my first real heartbreak, my grades were slipping, and my relationship with my mother was at an all-time low. I was at my all-time low.

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