Chapter Nine-Tension and Apologies

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Dan drums his fingers on the table in Defense Against The Dark Arts, tapping away the minutes.

Professor Rhett and Professor Link (co-teachers, who for some reason preferred to go by their first names) perform a demonstration of how to properly disarm a wizard, but all Dan can think of is Phil. Louise sits next to Dan, staring intently down at her parchment. After what seems like ten hours of silence, she slams down her quill.

"Dan, it's been almost three weeks. You're still not talking to me?"she harshly whispers. Dan shrugs, looking away from her. She sighs and leans back in her chair. "Okay, now you're just being childish. I didn't mean for anything to happen, we were drunk and weren't thinking. Why don't you believe me?"

Dan brushes hair out of his face. "I believe you. It's Phil who I'm not sure I believe."

Louise stares at him with a puzzled expression. "What?"

"When I saw you guys, he was pushing you against the wall. And, while I understand that you didn't mean for it to happen, what if-what if he did? What if-he likes you, not me? How am I supposed to know that he didn't mean anything by it? He hasn't talked to me at all. I just-" Dan bites his sleeve; he can't make a scene in the middle of class.

Louise's eyes soften. She places a hand on his back and rubs circles on his shoulder blades with her thumb. "Dan, I'm sure that he didn't mean to. And even if he did, I'm sure he gets by now that I'm not interested-" she laughs a little at that last part.

Dan nods. "Yeah." He looks up at Louise, his eyes frantic. "But what if he hates me now? It's not like I reached out to him, either. I mean, it would make sense."

Louise places a finger on her lip and shushes him. "No, it wouldn't. But you know what? You shouldn't hate Phil, either. You two just need to talk things out, okay? Can you promise me that you'll do that?"

Dan sighs and nods his head, reluctantly at first. Louise smiles.

"Good. Then everything will be back to normal."


Phil sits at a small table in the Hufflepuff Common Room, working on his Charms essay. It has been three weeks, and he and Dan are still avoiding each other. He picks at the end of his quill, not even thinking about this essay that's due in a week. The only thoughts that occupy his mind are ones of his dewy-eyed Slytherin.

Dan. His Dan. And now he won't even speak to him...

Troye swaggers into the room, Connor by his side.

"And then, he leaned in, and I swore he was going to kiss me-" Troye jabbers. Connor gasps.

"Did he?"

Troye's face falls. "Sadly, no. That first year, Cedric, came running in looking for his older sister."

Connor groans. Troye pats his shoulder. "Hey, I'm gonna go grab my books, okay? Then we can go to the library and study." Connor nods.

Troye disappears down the hallway, and Connor drifts over to where Phil is sitting. Phil shifts around in his seat to face the sixth year.

"I thought that you and Troye were in some sort of fight? At least, that's what he was telling me." Phil extends his hand. "I'm Phil, by the way. One of Troye's dorm mates."

Connor takes it and shrugs. "Originally, yeah. Truth be told, I was...uh...promise not to tell Troye?"

Phil nods. Connor continues: "I was jealous. Of him and Tyler."

Phil bites his lip, trying to hide his smirk. Connor rolls his eyes. "Ugh. Anyway, a couple weeks ago, after we won the match against Ravenclaw, I realized something: sometimes, people make mistakes. Sometimes, you might make a mistake. And at first, everything seems awful, like it will never be okay. But it does. Because that's how love works. It's all about trust, understanding, and communication. Just when it might seem like the lights go out, they don't. Because you can always relight the candle. Or smother it. And it's all up to you. What's important is forgiveness, and correcting yourself. Because if you let the light die, it's really hard to get it back."

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