Chapter Five- Competition

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The day was unusually warm for late September. The sunshine and occasional gusts of wind send shivers down Dan's spine, shaking him to his core. He is stretched out on the grassy lawn in front of the castle, Potions book flipped open, the pages rustling gently in the breeze. He is surrounded by Phil, Louise, PJ (who Dan had just met recently but turned out to actually be really nice), and Chris. Tyler and some boy who Phil explained was named Troye were sitting and talking dangerously close to the Whomping Willow.

Chris was leaning back on his hands, talking to PJ. Phil was laying right next to Dan, his chin rested on his hand. Their shoulders brushed every now and then, and each moment of contact made Dan's stomach twist. No, he can't be developing feelings. It's only been a month, anyway. He can't really fall for someone in a month, can he? And besides, Phil doesn't even know that he's gay...nobody does, except for Louise.

"Okay, let me quiz you real quick," Phil says, adjusting himself and sitting cross-legged. "What potion uses the tears of a Phoenix mixed with the hair from the tail of a unicorn?"

Dan thinks for a moment. "Bogglewart potion. It will allow the drinker too see past any disguising spells or potions until the effects wear off, which can last any where from one hour to one day (A/N: I totally made this up. It does not exist in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter universe, it exists in mine. But it really should be a thing I mean come on that would be glorious.) ."

Phil nods his head. "Correct."

Chris rolls on his back to face the boys. "This is ridiculous," he groans. "We seriously have to memorize all of these potions and ingredients? Slughorn's killing me, man."

PJ rolls his eyes. "You aren't even trying, dude."

Chris flops facedown onto the grass and covers his head with his book. "I don't caaaare," he groans. Dan giggles.

"Oh, hey, I know you!" Zoe runs over to the boys. Alfie follows her.

Louise smiles and waves. "Hey, guys."

Zoe flashes the group her shiny smile. Her eyes wander over them, and rest on Chris and PJ. She tilts her head. "And you are...?"

"Oh, I'm PJ, and this is Chris," PJ says, gesturing to the two of them. Zoe and Alfie nod at the small group of students. Alfie smirks and furrows his brow at Chris. "You alright, mate?"

Chris shakes his head and gestures for the him to come over. "You're Ravenclaw, right?" His words are muffled through the grass.

"Yes, but-"

"I need help."

They shrug and open their Potions book. Dan looks on, trying to suppress his giggles. Phil nudges his shoulder. "Shut it," he hisses under his breath, covering his own mouth to prevent laughter from escaping.

Zoe kneels next to PJ as reads aloud from his potions book.

"Dragon root can be found where?"

Zoe shrugs. "I haven't the slightest."

Dan looks at her incredulously. Phil can't help but notice how his chocolate eyes light up in the rare afternoon sunlight.

Chris wrinkles his nose. "How do you not know?"

Alfie throws his head back and let's out a laugh. "It's rare for Ravenclaws to actually do well in school, you know. We pretty much always get distracted and sidetracked with a bunch of other random facts and knowledge, and we never are able to get anything done. It's really hard trying to debunk that stereotype to some people."

Zoe bites her glossed lip. "Yeah, I remember when you almost missed your Runes exam because you were in the library researching something about the many uses of wood chips."

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