Chapter Eight- Quidditch Cuddles

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Troye slips on his sneakers.

"Where are you going?" Phil asks him. Ever since that party that he went to with Dan the previous week, he has been acting really strange. Phil stares out the window, his head resting on his hand absentmindedly.

"I thought I told you. Connor has a Quidditch match. It's Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw."

PJ nods. "Yeah, we're playing the winner in two weeks."

Troye stands up and stretches his arms over his head. "Hey, mate, is everything alright?"

Phil snaps out of stupor and rubs his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Everything is fine."

"Are you sure? Because you haven't been yourself since that Halloween party last week."

Phil sighs. "Dan hasn't been talking to me. Although, he probably has a right to."

PJ raises an eyebrow. "What did you do?"

Phil buries his face in his hands and groans. "Long story short, I accidentally made out with his best friend."

PJ strokes his chin. "But that shouldn't bother him. After all, it's not like you're dating or anything."

Phil turns around and gives PJ a look. PJ nods in understanding. "Ah."

Troye clicks his tongue and pivots on his heel. "Well, I hope that you two reconcile. Bye, Phil. Bye, PJ." He gives them a wave before whipping his yellow-and-black scarf around his neck and jogging through the castle to the yard. His worn sneakers scuff against the grass.

"Oh, hey, Troye!" the familiar, American voice calls out to him. Troye smiles and waves. "Hi, Tyler." Tyler jogs up to him.

"Where're you headed?"

"Oh, I'm going down to the Quidditch field to watch Connor play. I told him I would go."

Tyler sucks on the inside of his cheeks. "Huh. Well, mind if I tag along? I'm sure I can sneak you into the Gryffindor stands."

Troye gasps excitedly, the chilly November air nipping at his nose.

"Really? That would be so much fun!" Troye bounces on his heels.

Tyler lets out a small laugh. "Great. Come on then!" He takes Troye's hand and links fingers with him, skipping towards the Quidditch field. Troye feels his heart skip a beat.

The two run, hand-in-hand, down to the stadium. Tyler bumps Troye's shoulder, and he blushes. They stop in front of the entrance to the Gryffindor seating area. Troye stares up at the towering stands.

"Why'd we stop here?" Troye looks up at the taller blonde-haired boy. Tyler bends down a little to be at eye-level with the fourth year. Tyler unwraps Troye's scarf from his neck and stuffs it in his robe pockets. Troye gives him a quizzical look.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, you're coming with me into the Gryffindor stands, so you might as well look it."

Tyler takes his own scarf and wraps it around Troye's neck. "There. People there already know me, and with you in your 'disguise,' we should be fine."

They take a wooden staircase up to the wooden bleachers and take their seat between two girls on a wooden bench. They sigh and shift their arms.

"Geez, Tyler," one of them complains. The other one stares at Troye with her chocolate, almond-shaped eyes.

"Who's this, Tyler?" she asks, giving him a smirk. Tyler rolls his eyes.

"Oh my god, Lana. Not every boy that I have with me is my boyfriend. Or, potential boyfriend."

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