Chapter Two- New Friends and Carriage Rides

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Phil Lester glances up from his book to meet gaze with the boy across from him.

"What's that on your shirt?" he asks. It looked like a person suspended by ropes in front of a giant skinless human.

"Oh, um, it's Attack on Titan. It's an anime," the brown-haired boy answers. He has a tan complexion, and his eyes and hair were both a rich brown color.

"Oh yeah, I think I've it mentioned by Muggle-borns around school before. I don't know, though. My family is mostly wizards," he lies. Well, only partially lied. His parents died in a car crash soon after he was born, and apparently he had no more family to take him in. He was adopted by a family-friend, who happened to be a wizard. Whether he was actually Pureblood, Half-blood, or Muggle-born, he would never know. "Are you a Muggle-born?"

Dan's eyes widen. He stutters, before Phil cuts in.

"Whoa, relax. I'm not some Pureblood supremacist, if that's what you're afraid of. Honestly, this whole "classifying people based on their family blood" thing annoys me," he reassures the brunette. It did annoy him, though. Why should it matter?

The boy lets out a deep breath. "Well then, yeah, in that case, both my parents were Muggles."

Phil sticks out his hand. "Phil Lester, fifth year Hufflepuff," he says confidently. He might as well try to make some friends besides PJ. The boy takes his hand, uncertainty shining through his hazelnut eyes. "Dan Howell, fifth year Slytherin."

Phil tilts his head. If we are in the same year, how come we've never met before?

Phil didn't even realize he said that out loud until Dan answered, "I kind of keep to myself."

Phil nodded. "Yeah, same." They sit in silence for a while until a girl with thick, blonde hair with pink tips comes barging into their compartment. Phil thinks he remembers her name being Louise or Lily or something. Phil asks if she's Dan's girlfriend. He blushes and denies it, stuttering again. Phil smiles. Okay, single, unattached, like me. Good. He mentally slapped himself. Good? Why is that good?

Phil sighs as Dan leaves, once again alone. PJ probably missed the train. Again. Phil leans his head against the window. The train bounces and bumps al over the place, and he immediately regrets that decision. He sits up and rubs his head in pain. Phil glances out the window, catching sight of the castle. It's towering turrets and cold stone walls spiraled into the clouds, standing out in the grassy English countryside like a rose in a field of dandelions. All of the windows were light up, creating a guiding light against the foggy night. Hogwarts.

Phil stands up and grabs his trunk. He flips it open, revealing his dark robes with the black-and-yellow Hufflepuff crest. He slips them on over his jumper. He straightens his fringe as the screeching of the train suggests that they finally stopped. He grabs his large suitcase and rushes into the hallway, joining the surge of bodies itching to get off the train.

He finally reaches the outside, practically thrown out of the way of a large crowd of sixth years. He brushes himself off and heads over to the carriages. He smiles and trots up to one of the large, black winged creatures, patting it on the head. As usual, people gave him funny looks. Phil looked up and saw Dan exit the train. Dan's eyes flickered between Phil and the Thestral. His eyes widened.

Dan came running over, still in shock at the sight of the creature.

"You can see them too?" Phil whispered, his breath visible in the cool night air. Dan nodded slowly.

"Yeah, but-what are they? Have they always been there?" Dan shivered.

"They're called Thestrals," Phil explained. "They have always been here, but you can only see them if you've seen death."

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