Chapter Fourteen- Distant

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Phil wasn't sure what to do.

He and Dan were happy, right? They finally have each other, they are finally honest and together.


But why did Dan seem so embarrassed whenever they were in public together? Or how he would be so uneasy whenever Phil kissed him on the cheek?

Well, I can't really blame him. This is the first time that he has ever done anything like this.

Well, it's my first time too.

So then why is he acting so...distant?

Phil's birthday came and passed during his flurry of thought; Dan gave him a hard book copy of The Fellowship of the Ring, the first book in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the series set after The Hobbit, and a brand new Hufflepuff scarf. His old one was falling apart ever since they had that snowball fight in Hogsmeade.

From PJ, he got a bag of a few select Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Knowing Peej, they were probably all of his favorites. Troye gave him a chocolate frog with a note attached that said "Hope you have a hoppy birthday!" He was also given various other candies or sweets from other students, such as Chris, Louise, Zoe, Alfie, Tyler, and Connor. Even Joe and Caspar left him a few truffles.

Phil sat in the greenhouse with Luna and Neville; they wanted to give him his gifts separately.

He unwraps Luna's gift; a maroon sweater with a large "P" on it, similar to the one that the Weasleys had given him years ago. He smiles and hugs her, thanking her for the gift. Neville tells them to wait and scrambles away to a back room. He comes back out with a large object, covered in a blanket. Phil eyes it suspiciously, trying to see through the coarse fabric. Neville hands it to him.

"Careful," he says. Phil settles the large box-like object on his lap and yanks off the blanket; two shiny green eyes blink back at him. He gasps and opens the door to the plastic crate, taking the cat in his arms.

It has ebony fur, with snowy white paws, tip of the tail, and belly. It's eyes are a sparkling emerald, and it lefts out a soft meow.

"Happy birthday, Phil," Neville beams.

"I helped him pick it out," Luna chimes in. Neville stares at her, a similar expression that Dan always seems to wear.

"Thank you both so much!" Phil cries, enveloping the two of them in a hug. Luna squeezes back, a little too hard.

"We decided to leave it up to you what to name her," Neville says.

Phil ponders for a second.

"Susan," he decides. Neville cocks his head.


Phil nods and thinks back to one of the first times that he and Dan had ever talked, back when they planted Mandrakes in Herbology during the first few days of classes. They had named theirs Susan, their exact reasoning unknown.

"Yes, definitely Susan."


Valentine's Day came quickly upon the students of Hogwarts, jumping out at them from behind a corner with banners screaming, "surprise!" Heart shaped sugar cookies were being served in the Great Hall, and the Hogwarts ghosts roamed around the castle, waiting to ambush young couples with love songs and showers of pink confetti.

Phil lived in constant fear of becoming a victim.

Dan and Phil have managed to go an entire week without being interrupted by Peeves the poltergeist strumming a ukulele and wailing about hearts going on.

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