Chapter Twelve- Hello

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Phil Lester leans on Neville's desk, resting his head on his hands. He has spent the majority of the past two weeks in the Herbology greenhouse, helping Neville with all of the rare and exotic flora.

Being surrounded by plants was strangely calming. Whenever he felt sad, over whelmed, or simply needed to think, the greenhouse was also promising.

Neville checks the time on a giant, ornate clock hanging on the wall. "Shouldn't the Hogwarts Express be here soon? Dan should be coming home," he gives Phil a wink.

Phil may have also been talking about Dan for days on end.

Phil snaps his head and glances at the clock hands. He grabs Neville's hand and tries to drag him out of the greenhouse, but Neville stays put. He strains, and Neville chuckles.

"I'll catch up to you in a minute, okay Phil? I just need to sort out some last-minute lesson plans. Besides," Neville smirks, "I'm guessing you might want a few minutes alone with Dan anyways." Phil's eyes widen, his cheeks burn. He searches for something to say, but Neville just smiles and nudges him out the door. "Now go greet your boyfriend."

Phil stumbles out of the greenhouse, his face still aflame. He jogs across the soft lawn to the train station, his steps keeping time with his heartbeat. He finally reaches the platform, completely out of breath. He leans his hands on his knees and breathes slowly, in and out, in and out. He hears a mechanic sound in the distance and cranes his neck. The Hogwarts Express, shiny and glistening with drops of melted snow, rhythmically clicks down the tracks.

Phil adjusts his scarf and rubs his hands together for warmth. The January air nips at his nose and makes his skin prickle. The train screeches to a halt in front of him, and students spill out of the packed compartments. Kids bump into him left and right, smacking against his shoulders relentlessly. Finally, a single face surfaces, one that makes Phil's heart flutter with butterfly wings.

Dan scans the hundreds of heads of students just back from break, searching for Phil, as Phil struggles to get through to him.

Phil screams Dan's name, and Dan's head whips around. They make eye contact, chocolate brown meeting lightning blue.

Phil plants his feet, Dan shoving through the rushing crowd. The station begins to clear and Dan runs into Phil's open arms, constructing him in a tight hug. Phil squeezes him back, his head nestled into his shoulder.

"I missed you," Dan whispers, his lips brushing against Phil's ear. Phil nods his head and pulls away, sliding his hand down Dan's arm and linking their fingers together.

"So, how was your Christmas?" he asks, swinging their arms back and forth.

"Great!" Dan replies, a bright smile lighting up his face. "What about you?"

Phil shrugs. "Pretty good. Not the same, though, being apart from everyone for two weeks."

Dan leans his head on Phil's shoulder and begins walking, luggage and Phil in hand. "Well, I'm here now."


"So, what exactly is happening between you and Phil?" Chris asks in the Great Hall, shoveling potatoes in his mouth. Dan bites his lip lower lip.

"Well, we may or may not have made out before Christmas break..."

Chris' jaw drops, half-chewed potatoes falling out of his mouth. His hand flies to his face and he slams down his fork, coughing and choking. Dan widens his eyes and grabs a fistful of napkins, handing them to Chris.

"Oh- cough- my god, Dan. Why didn't you- cough- tell me this- cough- earlier?" He sputters. He pounds on his chest twice and clears his throat, dabbing his napkin around his mouth.

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