Chapter Fifteen- Scripted

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(Scene opens showing ext. of Hogwarts. Students mill about; DAN runs up to TYLER.)

DAN: Tyler!

TYLER: Yeah, Dan? What is it? I need to get to Charms.

DAN: Have you seen Phil? He wasn't in Potions.

TYLER: What do you mean?

DAN: (sighs) Do you know where he is?

TYLER: Last I saw him, he was in the Great Hall.

DAN: (slightly disappointed) Okay, thanks anyways.

(DAN begins to walk away, slowly. TYLER grabs his arm.)

TYLER: Wait, Dan.

DAN: ...yeah?

TYLER: (voice lowers) How do you feel about Luna?

DAN: (chuckles) Does everybody know her now?

TYLER: Yeah, basically. I mean, she's dating the Herbology professor.

DAN: They're dating?

TYLER: Girl, it's more obvious than you and Phil were last semester.

DAN: (turns red) I'm just going to ignore that statement, and say that I'm not really sure how I feel about her. I think there's something that seems a bit off, but Phil insists that he's known her all his life, and not to worry about it.

TYLER: (leans in closer to DAN; checks to see if others are looking) I caught her talking to herself.

DAN: Really?

TYLER: Yeah. I've also heard people say that they've seen her wandering the castle at night.

DAN: (rolls eyes) You really shouldn't believe every rumor you hear, Tyler.

TYLER: I'm not saying I believe them, I'm just saying that's what other people believe. Rae and Hailey, you know, those third year Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw girls who are always together, said she could be part of some conspiracy theory  that has to do with Slughorn.

DAN: What does Slughorn have to do with anything?

TYLER: Think about it: McGonagall goes missing, he becomes Headmaster-

DAN: (interrupting TYLER) He's only Headmaster temporarily.

TYLER: Which makes it all the more mysterious! The year is over halfway over, and we still don't know where she is!

(DAN pauses, takes a few moments to ponder TYLER's proposal.)

DAN: Okay, I guess I can see where you're coming from.

TYLER: Okay, so, Slughorn becomes Headmaster, McGonagall is missing, and now this. Not to mention the stuff in The Prophet about Bellatrix Lestrange.

DAN: Yeah, I've seen some of that. Do you really think what they're saying is true?

TYLER: Honestly? I have no idea.

(CONNOR runs up to the pair, panting, out of breath.)

CONNOR: Tyler! We... Oh, hi, Dan.

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