Chapter Seven- Have a Toxic Halloween

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Dan loves Halloween. He could never explain why, simply that there was something about the way that the Jack-O-Lanterns glowed, or the way that the Hogwarts ghosts seemed to go all-out with their pranks and wails. Not the mention the years before Hogwarts, when he would dress up in cheap hand-made costumes and run door-to-door, begging strangers for candy.

Dan had never been to an official Halloween party before. So, naturally, when Phil invited him to go with a bunch of their friends, he was speechless.

"You-you want me to go with you?" Dan asked timidly. Phil nodded.

"Yeah, it'll be fun!" Dan tried to protest, but Phil insisted.

So now, here he was, rooting through his Muggle clothes, searching for the best thing to wear.

What would Phil like? What would he expect?

Oh god, shut up, Daniel. Why do you even care?

Dan shakes the thought out of his head. Lately, all he could seem to think about was Phil. Not too far off from usual, but this time, it just felt...different, somehow. The weird feeling was starting to wear off, luckily.

Dan hears a loud knock on the dormitory door. He freezes in place.

"Dan? You ready? Some girl named Miranda let me in."

Dan rolls his eyes at the mention of Miranda. He quickly slips on black skinny jeans and a black sweatshirt, jumping around his room.

"Um, yeah, be right out. " he calls.

Dan runs over to the door and swings it open, suddenly face to face with Phil. A large grin spreads across his cheeks.

"Hi," Dan sighs heavily. Phil nods back, still smiling.


Phil suddenly clears his throat and looks down.

"Uh, well, come on then." Phil skips off. Dan follows.

"So...where's the party exactly?"

"Ravenclaw Tower. Zoe and Alfie invited us. Here, it's this way!" Phil takes Dan by the hand and starts running through the empty halls, giving Dan sweet glances all the way. Dan can't help but notice how Phil's blue-green eyes light up when he smiles. Dan giggles loudly, staring directly into Phil's eyes. Suddenly they stop skipping.

"We're here," Phil says obviously. Dan leans over to catch his breath. Man, was he out of shape.

A door with a golden eagle knocker slides aside to reveal the Ravenclaw common room. The room was incredibly airy, with a large, domed ceiling painted with stairs, and small tables around the room filled with snacks and cheesy Halloween decorations. Large windows provided a sweeping view of the darkened Hogwarts grounds, from the Herbology greenhouse to the Whomping Willow to the Forbidden Forest. People sway to the music and flock around the concessions.

Zoe greeted them at the entrance with her signature smile.

"Hey, guys! I'm so glad you could make it!" She hugs each of the boys, giving them each a kiss on the cheek. Dan gives her a small smile in return.

"Thanks for inviting us," Phil says smoothly. Dan nods nervously in agreement. He's never been to one of these parties...what does he even do?

Louise creeps up behind Zoe, a butterbeer in hand. "Dan!" she cried, throwing her arms around his neck. Dan laughs half-heartedly and takes her arms off.

"Heh, hey, Louise." She twiddles her fingers around one of her blonde pigtails.

"Oh! Dan! Phil is here too!" she yells, suddenly aware of the male Hufflepuff. Phil waves.

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