Undecided Chapter 1

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Nathan West had just got home from a long day of work, and he still had a lot of preparation to do in order to get ready for the big evening he had planned for Maxie that could ultimately change both of their lives.

As he walked through their toy scattered living room he calls out "Maxie are you home?"

Maxie comes into the living room and greets Nathan with a kiss and says "Hey I didn't even hear you come in but then again I was in the back with Georgie she is just so cute it's hard for me to tear myself away from her for even a second." "Wait! What are doing home? I thought you said not to expect you until super late tonight?" "I mean not that I'm not happy to see you I was just telling Lulu earlier that I think that you work too hard."

Nathan couldn't help but laugh at the rambling mess of a woman that he was head over hills with. "Maxie Maxie Maxie" "Can I please get a word in?" "I'm home early because my partner decided instead of both of us sitting at the PCPD melting our brains with paperwork that I should come home and be with my two favorite girls".

Maxie begins to smile thinking about how crazy it is that Nathan stuck by her side even after the big mess she made of their relationship with Spinelli. Maxie now knows that she made the right choice and that Nathan is her forever.

"Oh well that makes sense and I was thinking that since Georgie is already asleep that maybe I could go and warm up those leftovers from the Floating Rib, and just spend this whole night enjoying each others company. How does that sound?"

"That sounds amazing but I was actually thinking about something a little different. Why don't you go take a bath and get all nice and dressed up and I will actually cook us something and we can just have a nice romantic night in."

Maxie looks skeptical at him and says, "Detective West what are you up to?"

Nathan smiles at her and says "I'm not up to anything I just want to spend a romantic night in with the woman I love is that such a crime?"

"Well I guess not." Maxie says while wondering what Nathan could be up to.

"Good now go get ready and take your time there is no rush I will handle absolutely everything for tonight."

Nathan gives Maxie a kiss and sends her on her way to get ready.

When he knows Maxie is out of sight he says out loud "Now to start preparing for the night that will change all of our lives."

Undecided A Naxie StoryWhere stories live. Discover now