Undecided Chapter 23

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Maxie and Nathan were patiently waiting for the doctor to call them in the back for their sonogram. Maxie was now 4 months pregnant and was so happy that their baby was doing great but there was a part of her that couldn't help thinking that they should be sharing this wonderful time with their friends and family. No one back home even knows that Maxie is pregnant and she couldn't help but get sad about that sometimes.

Nathan noticed that Maxie looked a little sad so he said, "Hey what's wrong?"

Maxie then smiles at him and says, "Nothing."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm totally sure. I mean we are about to find out the sex of our baby. What could possibly be wrong?"

Just then the nurse comes out and says, "Mariah Paevey."

Nathan then picks up Georgie and grabs Maxie's hand as they head to the back.

Maxie gets up on the table while waiting for the doctor to arrive. "I'm excited to find out what we are having I think it is a boy this time." Maxie says to Nathan.

Nathan couldn't help but smile at the fact of having a little boy.

The doctor then enter the room and says, "Hello Mariah. How are you and the baby doing?"

"I think we are doing just fine Dr. Harris."

"Alright well let's take a look shall we. Maybe this time the baby will actually let us see what the gender is."

Th doctor turns off the lights as he gets everything set up for the sonogram.

Just then Maxie and Nathan hear the sound of their baby's heartbeat echoing all through the room.

"Alright everything with your baby seems to be just fine. The baby is the right size and weight and I don't seem to see any problems right now. Let's see ah yes your baby is in a really good position to find out the sex if you two still want to know."

Maxie and Nathan look at each other and say together, "We want to know."

"Ok well Mr. and Mrs Paevey it looks like you too are having a little boy. Congratulations!"

Maxie looked at Nathan and said, "Well it looks like you are about to have a son."

"I'm really excited I can't wait until he gets here. Georgie your having a little brother. Are you excited?" Nathan says.

Georgie begins clapping and pointing at the screen while saying, "BABY!!"

Maxie smiles and says, "I take that as a yes."

Dr. Harris then prints out the pictures for them and turns the lights back on. "Alright Mariah before I let you go I just want to tell you how important these next 5 months are for you and your baby. Mariah we really need you to stay calm and avoid all stress for the health of you and your little baby here."

"Yes Doctor I understand. I will try my best to stay calm and avoid all stress."

"Ok well then I will see you three back here in about a month."

"Yes thank you Doctor Harris." Nathan says.

When they had finally made it back home Maxie says, "Nathan when you finish putting Georgie down for her nap can you come back down here I want to talk to you.

Nathan kisses her and then says, "Yeah sure."

Maxie sits down on the couch in the living room as she let's out a breath and says, "I hope that this whole Spinelli mess is figured out before you are born baby I would hate for you to be born without our family and friends knowing about you."

Just then Nathan walks in and goes over to the couch and says, "You wanted to talk to me Maxie."

"Yeah I did now I know that you don't like to tell me these things because you think it will upset me but what is going on with Spinelli? Are the WSB any closer to catching him?"

"Well no they have gotten close many times but every time they think they have him he disappears again."

"Nathan that is not what I wanted to hear. How hard is it for them to catch one cyber nerd."

"Maxie I know you are frustrated but this will be over soon I promise you."

"Yeah I get that the WSB is doing their best to catch Spinelli I guess I'm just upset and frustrated because I'm already 4 months pregnant and none of our friends and family even know about the baby. I guess I'm just afraid this baby is going to be born without our friends or family being there."

"Is that what was bothering you earlier at the doctor's office?"

"Yeah." Maxie says as she looks down.

"Hey look at me it's all going to be ok I will make sure everything works out the most important thing right now is that we keep you, Georgie, and our son safe. Nathan says as he places his hand on Maxie's baby bump.

"Yeah I guess you're right."

"Why don't you go take a nap you look pretty tired Maxie." Nathan says to Maxie.

"I will only go take a nap on one condition."

"What is the condition?"

"You come up stairs and take a nap with me."

"Alright well then let's go."

Nathan grabs Maxie's hand and they go up the stairs to their bedroom.


Spinelli was on his computer still searching for for Nathan and Maxie he was determined to find them and he had a feeling that he was getting real close to them.

After his little conversation with Ellie a month ago she had tried to contact him a couple more times but Spinelli was too focused on the prize ahead and that was Maxie and Georgie.

Spinelli had to be careful now with the WSB on his back they had almost caught him multiple times but he always found a way to escape.

Just then it hits Spinelli, "Of course all I have to do is hack into the WSB's data system and then maybe I will find Nathan, Maxie, and Georgie. If they were going to get help from anyone why not go to Frisco who is the head of the WSB." Spinelli says as he gets to work on trying to hack the WSB's data system.

"Don't you worry Maximsta I'm coming for you."

Undecided A Naxie StoryWhere stories live. Discover now