Undecided Chapter 9

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Nathan walked into work the next day feeling exhausted. He and Maxie had stayed up late yet again making love until the early hours of the morning. 

Nathan walks over to his desk with his cup of coffee knowing that he is going to need it in order to get through today.

Just then Commissioner Sloane walks into the building and says, "Well I guess Detective West finally decided to come into work today." "You know when you don't come into work it makes the whole department look bad."

"I understand that Commissioner but I got a call yesterday from my partner telling me that he had everything under control so I should stay home."

"Well alright that explains yesterday but what about the last two days that you have left early?"

"Well if you must know Commissioner Nathan had to go home early because there was an emergency with his girlfriend and their daughter, but you would already know that since I told you this already." Dante says as he walks up seeing his friend need some help.

"Well Detective Falconeri I understand that but Detective West needs to know that he can't just be leaving early every time his girlfriend calls with a problem."

"I know that Commissioner." Nathan says.

"Yes he does but just know that I insisted he go home to be with his family because I had everything under control, so if you are going to yell at someone Commissioner Sloane yell at me." Dante says to Sloane.

Sloane looked at both Dante and Nathan and said, "Just don't let it happen again." Sloane then walks away to go to his office.

Nathan and Dante both breathe out a deep breath as Nathan says, "Thanks man I don't know what I was going to do back there."

"Hey don't sweat it I told you I was going to cover for you with Sloane. Besides I don't think he was upset about you leaving early I think something else has him so uptight."

Dante looked at Nathan and says, "Speaking of leaving early how did things go with Maxie?"

Nathan smiles while saying, "Really good she agreed to trying to have a baby and she also said yes to me when I proposed to her."

"Hey!! That's really good congratulations man."

"Thank you."

"Alright now don't take this the wrong way for a man that has finally gotten what he wanted. Why do you look like hell right now?"

"It's Maxie she is wearing me out." "I mean every since I have proposed to her all we have done is have sex." "Aside from taking care of Georgie." "I don't know what has gotten into her lately."

"Oh well that explains why she called Lulu yesterday?"

"Wait what Maxie called Lulu yesterday when?"

"Yesterday morning."

"Wait I was with Maxie all day yesterday and I never once remember her making any phone calls." 

Dante then says under his breath, "Uh oh."

"Dante what did they talk about?"

"You know what man forget I even said anything."

"No Dante I'm not just going to forget about it. I told you all Maxie has been wanting to do since we got engaged is have sex, and then you said oh so that is why she called Lulu yesterday." "So no I'm sorry Dante but I just can't let that go."

"Dante if you know anything about this I need you to tell me."

Dante looked at his friend and knew he had to tell him the truth, "Alright well the truth is that when I called you yesterday to tell you to stay home because yesterday was slow that wasn't exactly true." "Lulu had convinced me to do it because Maxie had called her because she didn't want you to go to work yesterday."

Nathan looked at Dante in complete shock, "So wait a minute you mean to tell me that my Fiancée called your wife for help because  she wanted me to stay home so we could have sex all day."

"Well no she did it so you two could spend some time together." Dante said.

"I can't believe Maxie did something like this."

"Man you know how Maxie is she thinks with her heart first."

"Yeah and that is one of the things I love about her but she still shouldn't have lied to me."

Nathan then grabs his car keys and his cellphone.

Dante says, "Nathan where are you going?"

"I'm going to talk to my lovely Fiancée."

"Man whatever you do keep calm and just remember that she did what she did because she loves you."

"Yeah will you cover for me and I will be back as soon as I can."

"Yeah man you got it." Dante says.

With that being said Nathan was out the door and racing to go give Maxie a piece of his mind.

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