Undecided Chapter 26

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Spinelli had been searching San Diego for the last few days high and low wondering just where Nathan could be hiding Maxie and Georgie. Spinelli had finally come to the conclusion that he was going to go to Los Angeles and start asking around and maybe someone would give him some clues so that he can find just where Nathan, Maxie, and Georgie are hiding.

It took Spinelli about an hour and a half to get all the way to Los Angeles but know that he was there was going to be no stopping him from finding Maxie and Georgie and carrying out the plans he had set for them.

Spinelli had spent the last hour asking people if the had seen Nathan, Spinelli, or Georgie but so far no one had seen or met anyone with those names. Spinelli was beginning to think that this trip was a waste of time until he had ran into a lady that helped turn his luck around.

Spinelli had sat and had a conversation with a lady from a dress boutique in Beverly Hills. She had sat and told Spinelli how a couple of days ago she had sold a dress to the charming guy from the photo. Spinelli was super excited knowing that he was so much closer to finding Nathan, Maxie, and Georgie.


Nathan and Maxie were out with Georgie shopping at a little baby boutique that Maxie had been wanting to go to for the past few months. Maxie was in complete heaven shopping at this boutique she was getting really excited for the arrival of their baby boy.

"Nathan tell me what do you think about this outfit? I think little James would look so cute in this?"

"Maxie you know that I trust your judgement, whatever you want is just fine with me."

Maxie then looks down at Georgie and says, "Well Georgie what do you think? Do you think your little brother will like this?"

Georgie then looks at Maxie and smiles.

"Well I take that as a yes."

"Oh while we are here we should probably check on the status of our baby furniture order." Maxie says as she continues walking through the store with Nathan and Georgie right behind her.

"Well how about I take Georgie and we go check on that while you continue to look around."

"Alright thank you so much." Maxie says to Nathan before giving him a kiss.

Nathan pushes Georgie in her stroller and heads to the front counter to talk to the lady about their order.

Nathan then says, "Hi, I'm trying to check on a baby furniture order that me and my wife put in about a month ago and I'm trying to see when should it be delivered."

The lady looks at Nathan and smiles and says, "Well of course what is the last name on the account?"


The lady then begins typing on the keyboard and then says, "Ah yes Mr. and Mrs. Paevey. It seems that your furniture will be delivered later on today."

"Thank you so much."

"Your welcome, Mr. Paevey."

Nathan then pushes Georgie's stroller around the store while trying to find out where Maxie had gone to when all of a sudden he finds Maxie.

"Hey just to let you know I just checked on the baby furniture and it should be delivered later today."

"Oh that is so good well I think I finally found everything that we need so let's go check out then we can go home and wait for the furniture."

After checking out Nathan and Maxie got into Nathan's care and headed home. As Nathan was driving he had noticed that a car had been following them for the past 30 minutes and he had begun to worry about why was this car tailing them.

"Maxie have you noticed that the car behind us has been tailing us for the past 30 minutes?"

"No Nathan are you sure you are not just being paranoid I really don't see that car as a threat plus if they were a threat to us don't you think they would have tried something by now?"

"Yeah I guess you're right I'm just being paranoid." Nathan says letting all his worries about the car tailing him fading.

About an hour after they returned home from Beverly Hills the delivery people with all of their baby furniture had arrived. Maxie and Nathan had showed them where they wanted everything in their baby's nursery. When the delivery people left Nathan and Maxie went back up to their sons room to start putting all of his furniture together.


Spinelli had been in Beverly Hills all afternoon and just like it was a miracle he happened to catch a glimpse of Nathan getting into a car, so he decided to follow him.

Spinelli decided that with the busy California traffic that it would be best for him to to tail very closely behind the dashing detective's car to make sure he doesn't loose him now that he was so close to getting Maxie and Georgie back.

Spinelli was now sitting outside of a massive house in Calabasas now all he had to do was find a way to get pass their high tech security system.

Spinelli was sitting in his car on his laptop trying to see how impressive their security system was. "Wow Frisco sure made sure to go all out with the security system, but this is nothing for someone of my expertise."

After a few minutes of typing Spinelli finally said "I'm in Maximista and Georgie don't you worry I'm coming."

Spinelli then got out of the car and walked through the gate as he walked up to the door. Spinelli then pulled out his lock picking kit thanking God that Sam had taught him how to pick a lock.

When Spinelli heard a click he knew that he had succeeded. Spinelli then walked through the door he was careful to close the door quietly so that no one would hear.

Spinelli then began looking around the house when he suddenly wandered into the living room as he was looking around he began looking at all the many pictures that was all around the living room.

Spinelli then says to himself, "Detective West I am sorry but you are not about to just go around and try to play family with Maximista and our daughter. I am here to reclaim what is mine."

Spinelli then steps on one of Georgie's squeaky toys.


Nathan and Maxie were upstairs putting the finishing touches on their baby's crib when all of a sudden they heard a noise come from downstairs.

Nathan and Maxie both looked at each other and Maxie said, "What was that?"

"I don't know but I'm going to check it out so you and Georgie stay here." Nathan says to Maxie.

"Nathan please be careful I don't know what we would do if anything was to happen to you." Maxie says to Nathan before kissing him passionately.

"I promise you I will be careful."

Nathan then goes downstairs and starts looking around as he goes into the living room he sees who their unexpected intruder was.


"Greetings Detective West I'm here for my family." Spinelli says with a smug smile.

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