Undecided Chapter 4

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Maxie sat there looking at Nathan in complete shock, "What? I know I couldn't have heard you right it sounded like you just said that you wanted to have another baby."

Nathan looks at her and then says, "Maxie that is exactly what I just said I want for us to have another baby to give Georgie a little brother or sister to have a little you and a little me running around here."

"Nathan that is completely crazy I mean we are still adjusting to life with Georgie and now you want to go and throw another baby into the mix." "Not only that but you weren't here for my last pregnancy you didn't see how much pain and hurt my pregnancy caused I don't think I could handle going through that again."

Nathan knew that at first Maxie might have some doubts about wanting to have another baby, but he knew that she wanted this just as much as he did.

"Maxie I know everything that you went through while pregnant with Georgie, but you are not the same person you were back when you got pregnant with Georgie." "You are not a surrogate this time around and you won't be going through this whole pregnancy all by yourself I will be there with you every step of the way." "Plus you already said so yourself that I am amazing with Georgie and I promise you I will not leave you alone in this pregnancy you and our baby will always be cared for and loved Maxie."

"Nathan you just don't understand a lot goes into having a baby and we already have Georgie why can't we just leave it at that."

"Maxie I know that it will be a struggle at first, but we will adjust to it just like we have every other time an obstacle has been thrown our way. Although I don't really see our baby as an obstacle I see he or she as a blessing." "Come on Maxie I know you are scared but I already know that you will be fantastic with our baby."

Maxie was really listening to Nathan and his plea of wanting to expand their family but she still wasn't sure that she trusted herself.

"Nathan look I hear you and you have made some really good points but I'm still not sure about having a baby." "I mean should we really be thinking about having a baby when we just got our relationship back on track." "We should be spending this time enjoying each other's company and being a family with Georgie."

Nathan understood where Maxie was coming from maybe he was jumping the gun here, but he knows that there is another reason for Maxie holding back and he was going to get to the bottom of it.

"Maxie I know we just got our relationship back on track but having a baby wouldn't be stopping us from being a family with Georgie or enjoying each other's company. I think if anything having a baby is going to make us stronger as a couple and strengthen us as family, so just tell me this one thing why are you so against us having a baby?"

Maxie looked deep into his eyes and says, " I'm not really against us having a baby I just think we shouldn't have one right now."

"Alright Maxie if not now then when?"

"I think I hear Georgie crying I should go check on her."

" Now Maxie you and I both know that you don't hear Georgie crying and that you are just trying to use her as your escape to avoid answering the question."

Maxie looked at him shocked, "I was doing no such thing I honest thought I heard Georgie."

Nathan looks right at her and say, "Maxie."

"Alright fine detective you caught me."

"I always do, now will you please answer my question." Nathan says

"I'm sorry what was your question again."

"Alright since you want to play that game my question was if right now isn't a good time to have a baby then when would be?"

"Nathan I don't know, but please just give it some time and then we can talk about this again."

" No we're going to talk about this right now." "Maxie you're going tell me what I want to know and we're not just brushing it aside this time."

Maxie looked at the amazing man standing before her and she knew that she had to be completely honest with him.

"Alright I will tell you the truth."

"Truth is that the reason why I'm so nervous about us having a baby is because the last time I had a baby I lost my baby and the man that I was in love with and they both moved away , and I don't want that to happen again Nathan.

Nathan looked at Maxie finally understanding where her fear was coming from.

"Maxie I totally understand how you feel but that would never happen with me." "Maxie don't you know me well enough by now to know that I would never abandon you. I most definitely would never take our baby away from you I know you are an amazing mom to Georgie and you will be just as amazing with our child." "Maxie you are one of the most caring people I know and us having a child will be good for us I promise you."

"Nathan I get it you've made your point but I just need some time to think about all this before I give you an answer."

Nathan looked at Maxie and said "Ok take a little bit of time and think about it but at least you know where I stand on the subject."

Standing up from the couch Maxie said, "Now how about we go check on Georgie and then go to bed?"

"You go right ahead and I will be right there."

"Ok I will see you in a bit, I love you."

"I love you too, Maxie."

As Maxie walks out of the room Nathan lets out a deep breath thinking about all that just happen. He begins thinking how this was suppose to be a great night for the both of them.

Nathan reached into his pocket and pulled out the velvet ring box that contained the diamond engagement ring. Looking at the ring Nathan says, "I thought we would be celebrating to very important life changing events tonight. Well I guess it will happen for us eventually."

Nathan then hears Maxie say, " Hey Nathan are you coming to bed?"

With that he closes the box and puts it back in his pocket and says, "Yes, here I come."

Undecided A Naxie StoryWhere stories live. Discover now