Undecided Chapter 21

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Nathan, Maxie, and Georgie were up the next morning waiting for WSB Agent Martinez to show up to take them to their new lives.

"So Maxie how are you feeling about this whole arrangement?" Nathan says to Maxie while they are sitting in the living room.

"At first I will admit that I was not happy about it but now that I think about everything will work out just fine. Plus we get to go to a whole new place and have a fresh new start I'm actually looking a little forward to that, and the best part is Spinelli will have no idea where we are."

"Yeah I have to admit a fresh start sounds good." Nathan says with a smile.

Just then they hear a knock at the door.

"That must be Agent Martinez now." Nathan says as he get up from the couch and walks over to the door.

Nathan opens the door and is greeted by WSB Agent Martinez.

"Hi, you must be Agent Martinez." Nathan says as he extends his hand for the man to shake.

"Yes I am and I take it you are Detective West?" Agent Martinez says as he grabs Nathan's hand to shake.

"Yes I am, but you can call me Nathan."

"Alright well Nathan I was under strict orders by Mr. Jones to give this envelope to you." Agent Martinez says as he gives Nathan a gold envelope which now holds the new identities for him, Maxie, and Georgie.

Nathan looks at the envelope and just nods.

"Well come on in I just need to grab Maxie and Georgie and then we can go."

"Ok lead the way." Agent Martinez says as he follows Nathan into the living room.

"Maxie this is Agent Martinez he is the WSB Agent that your father has sent to help us out."

"Hi its very nice to meet you." Maxie says as she picks Georgie up off the floor.

Maxie then notices the gold envelope in Nathan's hand and says, "What's in the envelope?"

"Oh it's our new identities." Nathan says as he looks down at the envelope.

"Well why don't you open it up so that we can have our story straight before we go to our new location. Wherever that may be?"

Agent Martinez then say, "California."

Maxie looks at him and says, "What?"

"Your new location it's California."

"Oh My God!!! Really we are going to California? That is amazing I can not wait to go shopping there. I might even run into a famous celebrity."

"Alright Maxie well before you get too ahead of yourself let's see our new identities shall we?"

Nathan opens the envelope and pulls out all of the necessary important documents they are going to need.

"Alright well this shouldn't be to hard I'm going to be going by the name of James Jacob Pavey. You are going to be going by the name of Mariah Renee Paevey and little Georgie here is going to be gong by the name of Georgie Rose Paevey."

"We are a married couple originally from Orlando, Florida and we first met in 2007 while on vacation in Paris. We became friends and then we started dating in 2013 we found out that you were pregnant with our first child together a baby girl who was born January 7, 2014. We eloped in Las Vegas June of 2013 at Caesar's Palace with our parents and immediate family in attendance." "Oh and there are wedding bands here too."

Nathan goes to put his on his finger when Maxie says, "WAIT!!!"

"What is it?"

"Let's put the rings on each other just like a real wedding."

"Ok I love that idea. It gives us practice for when the real day comes I guess." Nathan says with a smile.

Maxie grabs Nathan's wedding band and slides it on his left hand and says, "I give you this ring to wear as a symbol of my deepest love, my unending devotion, my eternal faith and my everlasting fidelity for all the days of my life."

Nathan the slides Maxie's wedding band on her left hand and says, "I give you this ring to wear as a symbol of my deepest love, my unending devotion, my eternal faith and my everlasting fidelity for all the days of my life."

Nathan and Maxie then look deep into each others eyes as they kiss.

Agent Martinez looks at them and says, "Ok I don't mean to interrupt but we need to get moving I have to get you three to the airport so that you can get to your new lives."

Nathan puts all of the documents back into the gold envelope and puts the envelope in hiss duffle bag. Nathan and Agent Martinez grab all of their suitcases and head to the car with Maxie and Georgie right behind them.

After the last of the suitcases are put into the car Agent Martinez and Nathan get into the car and began the drive to the airport.

Thirty minutes passed before they made it to the airport. Once a the airport they all loaded onto the WSB Jet and took of to their new lives.


Spinelli was sitting down on his computer looking into all of the many properties that Madeline Reeves owned. Spinelli sat down thinking that if Nathan were to take his goddess Maximista and the wee one anywhere it would most likely be to somewhere that his mother turned aunt owns.

Spinelli finally gets a hit telling him that Madeline actually owns a vacation home in Manhattan. "That has got to be where the dashing Detective West has taken them." "All I have to do is just go to this house fully succeed on the plans that I have set for Detective West and then sweep my Maximista off her feet so we can be a family with our beautiful daughter."

"Oh yes Maxie and Georgie I am coming for you and Detective West you are going to regret trying to steal my family."

Undecided A Naxie StoryWhere stories live. Discover now