Undecided Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Nathan was sitting outside of the door with the perp waiting for back up from the PCPD to show up. When out of nowhere he saw that the perp was beginning to wake up.

The guy tried his best to get up but before he could Nathan knocked him right back down while telling him, "Don't even think about it."

"What the hell is your problem man?" The perp says to Nathan.

"My problem is that you came to my home threatening me with a gun." "So who sent you here?"

The man was silent.

"Come on do you really think that you are going to get away with this I am a police officer and I can help you out if you just tell me who hired you?"

"No I can't."

Nathan grabs the guy by his shirt and tells him, "Look here you came here to my home where I have my daughter and fiancée and you put all of our lives in danger by coming here waving a gun around. So you are going to tell me what I want to know or I'm going to beat it out of you either way I'm going to get the truth." "Whoever hired you could be a danger to my family and I am not going to stop until them and you are brought to justice."

"Look man I am not a danger to your family, but the person who hired me might be?"

"I want you to give me a name."

"I can't do that."

Just then Dante walks up with five other cops behind him.

"Hey Nathan we got a call about an incident here." Dante says.

"Yeah this guy just showed up to the door with a gun and pointed it on me until I took him down."

"What about Maxie and Georgie where are they?" Dante says with worry in his voice.

"They are inside the apartment I told her to go inside and lock the door and not to open until I told her to."

"Alright well let's get this guy down to the station questioning." Dante says.

"Ok I tried to get him to give up who he was working for but he wouldn't tell me anything."

"Well don't worry he will not get away with this."

"Ok let's go." Nathan says as he begins to get up with the guy.

"Where do you think you're going?" Dante tells Nathan while giving him a confused look.

"I'm going down to the station to make sure this creep is put behind bars where he belongs."

"No Nathan we will handle this while you go inside and be with your family I am sure Maxie is probably freaking out right now."

"But what about my statement?" Nathan says to Dante.

"You already told me everything that happened and you can fill in any blanks tomorrow. Now go be with your family."

"Alright I guess I will see you around."

Dante then takes the perp and starts walking down the hallway while reading him his rights. Nathan lets out a deep breath as he turns to his apartment door. Just as Nathan is about to knock he catches sight of something on the floor it looks like a business card. Nathan leans down to get a look at the business card and it says on it McCall and Jackal Private Investigation in that moment Nathan knew exactly who had sent the perp. 

Nathan then knocked on the door and said,"Maxie it's me sweetheart open up."

Maxie then opens up the door and runs right into Nathans arms. 

"Oh my god Nathan I'm so glad that you are alright. What the hell is going on?"

Nathan goes to get a tissue so that he can go to the hallway to pick up the business card.

"This is what the hell is going on Maxie."

Maxie looks at the business card and says, "What is a McCall and Jackal Private Investigation card have to do with some gunman being at our door."

Nathan looked at Maxie and said, "Spinelli is the one who sent that gunman here."

Undecided A Naxie StoryWhere stories live. Discover now