Undecided Chapter 12

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Maxie had just made it to Kelly's with Georgie as she looked around to see if Nathan had made it yet.

"Well Georgie I guess Nathan hasn't quite made it here yet. Why don't we grab a seat and wait for him then I know he should probably be here any minute now."

Maxie chooses a table and sits down at it and begins looking at the menu while waiting for Nathan to arrive.

TJ walks up and says, "Hey Maxie what can I get for you and little cutie here?"

"Oh hey TJ we're not quite ready yet we are waiting on Nathan but could you bring me a lemonade and an apple juice for Georgie."

"Yeah sure coming right up."

Maxie was about to pull out her phone to call Nathan when she gets a text from him saying that he was on his way.

TJ comes back with their drinks and says, "There you go Maxie is there anything else I can get for you?"

"No that's it for now."

"Alright well just let me know when you're ready to order."

"Ok thank you TJ."

"Georgie I miss your daddy where is he at?"

"Did I hear someone ask for me?"

Maxie looked up to see that it no one other than Spinelli.

"No Spinelli I was not asking for you I was talking about Nathan he is meeting Georgie and me here for lunch." 

"Oh well maybe I could accompany the fair Maximista and the wee one until your dashing detective makes an appearance."

"Spinelli I really don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not I mean we are a family or we were until Detective West came in and ruined everything."

"Spinelli!! Nathan didn't ruin anything all he has ever done is love me and Georgie, and you better get used to the idea of him being around because I'm not letting him go this time."

"Maximista you and your dashing detective just don't work well together."

"Well Spinelli you and I don't work well together either, and you don't know anything about my relationship to judge it, so why don't you just butt out."

Spinelli looks at Maxie's left hand and sees that she is wearing a ring on it.

"Maxie you are about to totally destroy Georgie's family before her little eyes."

"What are you talking about Spinelli? How could I possibly be destroying Georgie's family? If anything I am making it better."

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