Undecided Chapter 28

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As soon as Nathan heard Georgie scream for Maxie he knew that something had to be wrong with Maxie and he had to get to her. Nathan then fought with all the power and strength he had in him to get away from the muscular guys. Nathan then forced two of them off of him and knocked them out by throwing them into the wall. Nathan then took on the last two by putting them both in choke hold and within minutes they were both passed out too. Just then Nathan heard Georgie scream for her mommy again which made him hurry up and run out of the nursery to see what was going on with Maxie.

Nathan finally made it to Georgie and said, "Hey baby girl why are you so upset? Mommy is just fine."

Nathan then looked around and saw saw everyone but Maxie. He then turns to Spinelli who was just standing at the top of the stairs looking scared.

"Spinelli? Where the hell is Maxie?"

Spinelli just looked at Nathan with so much fear in his eyes and yet he didn't say anything.

Nathan then grabs Spinelli by his shirt and pins him up against the wall while saying, "Spinelli what the hell did you do with her? Why is Georgie screaming for her mommy?"

Then all of a sudden Nathan hears what sounds like Agent Martinez at the end of the stairs say, "OH MY GOD!! Maxie are you alright? Can you hear me??"

Nathan then looks at the bottom of the stairs and all he see's is Maxie laying down on the floor and she is not moving. Nathan looks at Spinelli and all he sees is red he makes a vow that he is going to kill Spinelli.

"You son of a bitch. You pushed Maxie down the stairs she is pregnant. I am going to kill you for this Spinelli I am going to make sure that you can never hurt my family again!!"

Spinelli then starts to stutter as he says, "No I didn't push Maximista down the stairs she fell."

"I don't believe that Maxie would never do anything to harm our baby all she has done is love and care for our baby and I vow to you if I loose either one of them you're a dead man and even if I don't loose either one of them your still a dead man." Nathan says as he punches Spinelli in the face and then he started thinking about Maxie and their baby so he continued to punch Spinelli over and over again.

"NATHAN! STOP!" Agent Martinez says as he grabs Nathan off of Spinelli who falls to the floor unconscious.

"Nathan think about Maxie and your baby we need to get them to a hospital."

Nathan then realizes that Agent Martinez is right and he runs down to Maxie and picks her up and heads to the car. Agent Martinez comes up behind him with Georgie in his arms and puts her in the car.

"Nathan you are in no condition to drive let em drive and I promise I will get Maxie to the hospital in time."

Agent Martinez got into the drivers seat and began the drive to the hospital.

"What about Spinelli and those guys I don't want them getting away?"

"You don't need to worry about that the big black van that was parked across the street from the house was filled with WSB Agents they are probably king them all into custody now. Well probably after they get them al some medical attention you really did quite a number on all of them."

"Well I had to I promised Georgie that we were all going to be ok."

Agent Martinez finally pulled up to the hospital after about 10 minutes of driving.

Nathan then grabbed Maxie from the back and ran into the hospital saying, "Someone please help my wife and our baby."

A team of nurses then ran up to them and placed Maxie on a gurney and said, "What happened sir?"

Undecided A Naxie StoryWhere stories live. Discover now