Undecided Chapter 3

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"That meal was amazing I'm actually glad that I didn't try to cook". "I actually think that is the best meal I have ever had." Maxie says to Nathan.

Nathan then says, "Well I'm glad that you enjoyed it, but you know there was actually a reason that I wanted to have this romantic night in with you".

Maxie gets an amused look on her face while saying, "Ha I knew that you were up to something now tell me Nathan what do you have up your sleeve this time Mr. West?"

Nathan gets up from his seat while taking Maxie's hand and tells her "Let's go over to the couch I want to ask you something and this is not a conversation I want to have here". Maxie walks over to the couch with Nathan patiently waiting to see what his question could possibly be. Nathan begins pacing the floor while mumbling to himself which made Maxie sense that whatever this question is it had to be something big.

Nathan walks over to Maxie and says, "Maxie you know how much I love you right?" "Yes I know that Nathan what is going on you are actually starting to make me nervous with all the pacing and mumbling you are doing?" "Alright Maxie just hear me out and I promise you will understand everything soon. Now Maxie you know I love you and Georgie so much I have been in love with you since you have moment I ever laid eyes on you. We have already been through so much together and each and every day I find myself falling even more in love with then I ever thought possible. I am so grateful that you came into my life when you did because you came in and made it so much better. Like I have told you before you are worth fighting for and even when we went through that terrible mess with Spinelli I never stopped loving you and Georgie."

"Maxie I love the little family that we have built here with Georgie she is the best part of coming home well other than getting to be with you of course. I love coming home to our apartment and seeing her toys scattered everywhere or tissues thrown all over the couch." Maxie and Nathan couldn't help but chuckle at that one.

Maxie then says "Nathan I get that you love both me and Georgie and we are so thankful to have you in our lives, but why are you telling me all of this I already know all of this. Plus I thought you said that you have a question to ask me and so far you still haven't asked me a question."

Nathan laughs at the fact that Maxie has missed the point of his whole little speech. "Maxie I know you already know how much I love you and Georgie, but there was a point to my whole little speech. I want to ask you something but you have to promise me that you will keep an open mind."

"Nathan I promise I will keep an open mind just ask me but I already think I have an idea of what you are going to ask me." Maxie says with a smile thinking she has finally figured out what Nathan is going to ask her.

Nathan takes a deep breath and then says "Maxie can we try to have another baby?"

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