Undecided Chapter 6

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Nathan looked at Maxie while saying, "We do need to talk let's go over to the couch so we can talk."

Nathan and Maxie both walk over to the couch and take a seat knowing that this conversation could ultimately change their lives and how they move on with their future.

Maxie takes a deep breath and says, "Nathan I have been doing a lot of thinking about what you asked me last night, and I think that I am finally ready for us to sit and have this conversation."

"Ok Maxie and again I want you to know how sorry I am about running out this morning without us talking about this earlier."

"Nathan it's ok I understand after the way I reacted last night it understandable why you just ran out of here this morning." "But I do want to explain myself and tell you what I have decided. "I first want to say to you that I do love you Nathan and I don't know where Georgie and I would be without you." "I finally figured out that I was holding my past against you and that wasn't fair of me to do. I'm so sorry for that and I have finally come to realize that us having a baby would not be the end of our relationship or our family." "If anything it will make our relationship even stronger I mean a child will give us such a strong connection and think about it no one would be able to come in between that." "I am really starting to understand all of the points that you made last night.

Nathan could not have been happier to have Maxie finally opening up to him and having Maxie at least begin to warm up to the idea of them expanding their family.

"Maxie I just want you to know that I understand why you are on the fence about us having a baby. I finally had a chance to sit down and look at this from your perspective, and of course after everything you went through with your pregnancy with Georgie I understand why you are nervous about getting pregnant again." "But I want you to know that whether you decide to have another baby or not I am going to be here with you. I will always be here for you and Georgie and we will always be a family."

"Nathan you have no idea how much that means to me just knowing that I will always have you by my side." "But I have made a decision about how I want to go on about that question you asked me last night." 

"Ok Maxie what have you decided about us trying to have another baby?"

"Well Nathan I don't think the answer is really up to me?"

Nathan gave Maxie a strange look wondering what the hell she was talking about.

"Now don't look at me like that what I mean is that we can continue to practice but we will leave the choice ultimately in the hands of the Gods."

Nathan begins to smile big knowing that Maxie is saying that they can try for a baby, and then he begins to kiss her passionately after pulling away from the kiss Nathan says, "Maxie you do not know how happy you just made me."

"Well how about I go and put Georgie down for her nap and then we can go and start practicing you know what I always say practice makes perfect."

"As tempting as that sounds I have something else I want to ask you before we get to distracted."

"Ok what else could you possibly want to ask me?"

Nathan takes a hold to Maxie's hands while looking straight into her eyes and says, "Veux-tu m'épouser?

"Translation." Maxie says to Nathan.

"Will you Marry Me?"

"What Nathan are you serious?"

"Yes, I love you Mariah Maximilliana "Maxie" Jones will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

"YES!!! Of course I will marry you!!!"

She says while jumping into Nathan's arms while kissing him.

"I'm so happy Nathan I don't even care about you not having a ring."

"Who said I didn't have a ring I was actually going to give you last night, but things didn't quite go as planned but now is the perfect time to give it to you." Nathan reached into his pocket to pull out the velvet ring box he had been carrying around with him, as he pulled out the engagement ring and placed it on Maxie's finger.

"I hope you like it when I saw it I thought of you plus I had a little help from Georgie too."

"Nathan it is so beautiful I love it."

"Ok now how about I go put Georgie down for her nap then we can go back to our room and properly celebrate our engagement along with other things."

Maxie smiled at Nathan and said, "That sounds like a great idea."

Nathan walks over to Georgie and picks her up while saying, "Come on Georgie it's time for your nap."

As Nathan walks into Georgie's room Maxie couldn't help but smile thinking about all the events that had just happened. "Oh my god Nathan West actually proposed to me we are actually going to get married and become a real family just like I wanted."

Nathan then comes back into the living room while catching Maxie looking at her engagement ring.

"Hey Maxie you ready?" Nathan says while holding his hand out.

Maxie takes Nathan's hand and says, "Yeah let's go see if practice really does make perfect."

Nathan then kisses Maxie passionately and with that they take off down the hallway to their bedroom.

Here is Maxie's Engagement ring


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