Undecided Chapter 29

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Nathan was in the waiting room of the hospital sitting there waiting to hear any information about how Maxie and their baby was doing. Georgie had fallen asleep a couple of hours ago and he couldn't help but smile at her. Nathan was so glad that she was safe and that she didn't seem to be traumatized by the events that had just happened to them in the past few hours. Nathan sat there and put his face in his hands as he sat there praying that Maxie and their baby makes it out of this alive. He begins to think that maybe if he would have gotten away from those guys sooner that Maxie and their son would be just fine right now.

Just then someone walks up to Nathan and puts their hand on his shoulder and says, "Stop beating yourself up because it's not your fault that this happened to them."

Nathan looks up and says, "Dante you actually came."

Dante then pulls Nathan into a hug and says, "Well of course I came you're my friend and you need me right now. I always told you that I was one phone call away and I meant that."

"Dante man I'm sorry that I pulled you away from Lulu and Rocco, but I was going crazy sitting here all by myself and I really don't know what to do and of course all the decisions have been left up to me and I just needed someone here to keep me sane."

"Nathan it's fine actually Lulu insisted that I come to be with you once I explained the situation to her, but Nathan I need you to tell me one thing how the hell did this happen? I mean w just talked to you and Maxie and the baby were fine and ow their in the hospital. What happened?"

"Spinelli is what happened." Nathan says with nothing but complete hatred in his voce.

"Spinelli found you?"

"Agent Martinez thinks that Spinelli hacked into the WSB system and followed the trail all the way here to California."

"Wow and he found a way to get into your house?"

"Yeah Maxie and I were upstairs with Georgie putting all the babies furniture together when all of a sudden we heard this noise come from downstairs. I told Maxie to stay with Georgie while I went to go check the noise out, so I go downstairs to be greeted by Spinelli. Spinelli then went on telling me how he was there for his family, so of course we got into this big argument and he told me how he was there to rescue Maxie and Georgie from me especially since I had taken them against their will. I knew he had absolutely lost it when he told me that he was the one who was engaged to Maxie and that they had this whole life planned out until I came in and ruined their plans. So the next thing I know he was trying to go up the stairs and of course I wasn't about to let him anywhere near Maxie or Georgie so we got into a fight. I actually in that moment tried to kill him and I would have done it but he said something that got to me. He told me that if I killed him I would have to look in Georgie's eyes everyday and know that I am the one that killed her father and I just couldn't do that. As much as I hate Spinelli I love Georgie way too much to do something like that to her, so I let him go and I turned my back for a second and then I saw he was trying to go up the stairs so I had to stop him. We fought and I threw him into something knocking him unconscious and then I ran upstairs to Maxie and Georgie. I told Maxie about the situation but I tried to keep her calm and then we tried to call Agent Martinez but no calls were going through so Maxie figured out that Spinelli must have hacked the phones so no calls would go through. Spinelli then started banging on the door of the nursery calling for Maxie so I told her to grab Georgie and to hide in the closet.

So I went outside and tried stalling him I told him that as big as our house was he would never find Maxie and Georgie even if they were still in the house. Then Spinelli went on to say that since Maxie and Georgie weren't in the house then maybe he should finish what he started back in Port Charles when he tried to kill me. I guess somehow Georgie heard him threaten me and she started to cry. Spinelli then weaseled his way into the nursery and went over to the closet where he heard Georgie crying. As soon as he opened the closet door that is when he saw that Maxie was pregnant he is so crazy he actually thought that she was pregnant with his baby. Then Maxie went on to tell him that the baby was mine and he actually accused her of cheating on him. Maxie tried to reason with him and make him see that we were actually together and that they weren't together anymore, but Spinelli wasn't having it. He actually told Maxie that she was the confused one and that I had brainwashed her so that she didn't know what the truth was. Spinelli then had a bunch of muscular guys come into the room and he had four of them holding me back while he tried to take Maxie and Georgie with him. Of course Maxie being Maxie she refused to go anywhere with him, so he told one of the guys to grab Georgie and then she began to cry and scream. Dante I have never felt so helpless in my life my little girl was so scared and there was nothing I could do to help her. I had to just talk her down and eventually she calmed down and stopped crying and screaming. Spinelli had told Maxie that she was going to go with him or he was going to take Georgie and we would never see her again. I told Maxie that she had to go with Spinelli for Georgie's sake and that I needed her to keep her safe and that Spinelli was not going to get away with this. I fought as hard as I could to get away from those guys Dante but Maxie and Georgie were already taken out of the room. I continued to fight because I already knew that Spinelli had ordered these guys to kill me as soon as they left the house. I don't know what happened between Maxie and Spinelli in that hallway all I know is that I heard Georgie scream for her mommy and that is when I knew something was wrong. Finally after what felt like an eternity I finally got away from the guys and ran in the hallway to Georgie. I told her everything was going to be ok and then I looked over to Spinelli and noticed Maxie was no longer with them. I asked Spinelli where was Maxie but he wouldn't give me and answer it wasn't until I saw Agent Martinez hovering over Maxie's body that I knew Spinelli had pushed her down the stairs. At that moment everything had changed I just turned everything off all my emotions and everything and I just punching Spinelli and I just wouldn't stop. Eventually Agent Martinez stopped me and then we rushed here to the hospital with Maxie."

Dante sat there for a minute quiet thinking about everything that Nathan had just told him. "Wow man that is crazy I can't believe Spinelli would do something like this to Maxie. So where exactly is he now?"

"The WSB has him Agent Martinez made sure to call for back up."

"Well that's good he won''t be able to hurt your family again. So what exactly is wrong with Maxie and the baby?"

"Maxie has something called Placenta Abruption which means that when Maxie fell down the stairs it caused the placenta to peel away from the uterus wall which is dangerous for both her and the baby. So they said they had to do a C-Section on Maxie for her and the baby to have a chance. They said that is they didn't deliver that the baby could die from lack of oxygen and nutrients and that Maxie could die too. So I told them to deliver but Dante I don't know if that was the right thing to do Maxie is only six months pregnant and he still had three more months before being born and they said his chances along with Maxie is only a 50/50 survival rate."

"Nathan you did the right thing if they didn't operate both Maxie and your son would have died and you bought them both a 50/50 chance so don't beat yourself up about this because I already know you made the right choice for both of them."

Nathan then got up and started pacing, "I wish I knew what was taking so long they went into surgery hours ago and I still haven't heard anything."

"These type of things take time just sit down and relax I'm sure we will hear something soon."

"Alright well then distract me tell me about what all I have missed in Port Charles."


After thirty minutes Nathan saw Doctor Harris approaching them. Nathan and Dante both got up and waited for the Doctor.

"Doctor Harris how are my wife and our son doing?"

"I'm not going to lie to you Mr. Paevey it was a rough surgery and it put a lot of strain on both Maxie and your baby, but they both made it out of surgery and they are doing just fine. Mariah did flatline a couple of times during surgery while we were trying to get her blood to clot normally and it did put a little strain on her heart, but she is doing just fine now and we have her resting in the ICU just so that we can monitor her closely."

Dante look at the doctor and said, "What about the baby how is he doing?"

"He is doing just fine for now but it is going to be a long road of recovery for him. He is very tiny and his lungs and major organs are still developing so we will be keeping an close eye on him and he will have to remain in the NICU."

"Thank you so much doctor. How much does my son weigh exactly?"

"He is 2 pounds 12 oz and he is 12 inches long. But don't let that scare you he will begin to pick up weight as the weeks go on.

"Thank you Doctor Harris. Can I see Mariah and our baby?"

"Yes but there is one more thing that I must tell you before I let you do that."

"Ok what is it?"

"Well because a lot of strain has been put on Mariah's heart we are going to need you to keep her calm at all cost. It could be very harmful to her health if she were to get upset."

"Ok doctor I will keep that in mind."

Nathan and Dante turn around to pick up Georgie and they head to go check on Maxie and baby James.

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