Undecided Chapter 14

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Nathan was on the phone with Frisco knowing that Frisco was the only one that could help him out with his Spinelli problem.

"Frisco I really need your help Spinelli is totally and completely out of control."

"Well I will be glad to help you out so what did Spinelli do this time?"

"Well a couple of weeks ago Maxie, Georgie, and I were meeting up at Kelly's for lunch. Maxie and Georgie got there before I did and of course they ran into Spinelli." "When Spinelli found out we were engaged he began verbally attacking Maxie like I have never heard Spinelli talk to Maxie like this." "Of course as soon as I heard him yelling at her like that I stepped in and threatened him and the only thing that stopped me from beating him to a pulp was Georgie."

Frisco finally said, "Look Nathan you did the right thing. We all know he would have tried to use that to gain sympathy from Maxie."

"Yeah you're probably right, but there is one more thing while we were sitting there enjoying our lunch I happened to noticed that something was off."

"Something like what?"

"Well when I looked up I saw Spinelli staring at us with this smirk on his face."

"Nathan you did the right thing by calling me." "I just have one question for you have you told Maxie about any of this?"

"No Frisco I haven't I didn't want to scare her."

"Ok you did the right thing now don't you worry I'm going to make sure to handle everything. Damien Spinelli is going to regret that he every came back to Port Charles."

"Thank you so much Frisco normally I would have handled this on my own, but Spinelli is relentless and I don't want him hurting Maxie or Georgie."

"Don't worry Nathan I will handle everything. We will just need to keep an close eye on this Spinelli situation." "I will be in touch within the next few days." "Now Detective West I am trusting you to take care of my daughter and granddaughter."

"Of trust me nothing will stop me from protecting my girls."

"Alright I will be in touch."

"Alright bye, Frisco." Nathan says as he hangs up the phone.

Nathan sits at his desk thinking about his phone call with Frisco, but he knows he did the right thing. Spinelli is a loose cannon right now and with Maxie being pregnant he has to make sure that her, Georgie and their baby stays safe.

Just then Dante comes out of the interrogation room and says, "hey Nathan can you come give me a hand."

Nathan looks at the picture of his family on his desk and says, "Yeah here I come." 

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