Undecided Chapter 13

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It has officially been a month since Nathan and Maxie have gotten engaged. Maxie was sitting around waiting for the results that could ultimately change their lives forever.

"I so wish that Nathan was here that would make waiting here a lot easier." Maxie says to herself.

Just then the timer beeps letting Maxie know that results were in.

"Alright Georgie this is the moment of truth this is when we find out if you're going to be a big sister or not."

As Maxie looks down at all three of the pregnancy tests that lay on the counter she finally sees the results. 

"Oh my god Georgie it looks like mommy is going to have a little baby."

Georgie looks up at her and says, "Baby."

"Yes Georgie we're going to have a baby daddy Nathan is going to be so excited."

"Well how about we make a special trip to go visit daddy Nathan at work to tell him the good news." Maxie says with a smile while Georgie starts clapping.

"Alright then let's go." Maxie says as she grabs her purse and her keys and heads out the door.

After about 10 minutes Maxie and Georgie finally made it to the station. Maxie grabbed Georgie and headed inside to tell Nathan the great news.

When she made it inside she saw Dante sitting at his desk as she ran over to him.

Dante was surprised to see Maxie and Georgie. "Hey Maxie what are you and little cutie doing here?"

"We came to see Nathan I have something very important to tell him and it can't wait. So where is he?"

"He actually in the interrogation room right now questioning a perp, but he should be almost done so why don't you and Georgie take a seat and I will let him know you are here."

"Ok thank you so much Dante."

Maxie takes a seat at Nathan's desk and can't help but smile as she sees that he has a picture on his desk of them with Georgie. Maxie begins to think that soon he will have a picture of their baby on his desk too.

Nathan comes out of the interrogation room to be greeted with his two favorite girls sitting at his desk.

"Hey Maxie is everything ok?"

"Oh my god Nathan it's so good to see you." Maxie says as she jumps up and kisses Nathan passionately catching him totally off guard.

"Wow I know you missed me and everything but what has gotten into Maxie?"

"Nathan I have the best news to share with you and I just couldn't wait to tell you."

"Alright baby what is it?"

"Well you know how I haven't been feeling so great lately."

"Yeah and I take it your feeling better by the way you just kissed me."

"Yeah I am but that's not what I came to tell you."

"Ok Maxie what did you come to tell me?"

"I came to tell you that I'm pregnant. Nathan we're going to have a baby Georgie is going to be a big sister."

"What? Maxie are you sure?"

"Yes Nathan I took three test and they all said positive."

"Oh my god Maxie you just made me the happiest man on earth." Nathan says as he kisses Maxie. 

"Well I'm glad you have only been wanting this since you first held Georgie."

"Yes I have I'm so happy right now Maxie."

Nathan then begins to kiss Maxie again as Dante comes out of the interrogation room. 

Dante then says, "Wow man I take over for you in there and then I come back to you and Maxie making out in the middle of the station." "Come on man get a room."

"Sorry Dante we will try to control ourselves." Maxie says.

"Yeah I'm sure you will." Dante says as he returns back to the interrogation room.

Maxie looks back to Nathan, "But I do need to ask one thing from you."

"Anything for you Maxie."

"I think that we should keep quiet about my pregnancy for a while."

"Why would we want to do something like that?"

"Well Nathan because I'm not far along yet and anything could still go wrong so I want to wait to tell people."

"Ok I can understand that."

"Really? So your not mad about keeping quiet?"

"No Maxie I'm not mad as long as you, me, and Georgie know that's all that matters."

"Ok good." Maxie says and then she kisses Nathan.

Just then an officer approaches Nathan while saying, "Sorry to interrupt Detective West but that call you have been waiting for all day is on line 1."

"Oh ok thank you so much." Nathan says before he turns back to Maxie.

"As much as I would like to continue this I really have to take that call."

"I totally understand it's getting close to Georgie's nap time anyway so we are going to go and let you get back to work. But we will see you at home later." Maxie says as she kisses Nathan and leaves the station.

Nathan walks over to his phone and says, "Frisco I'm so glad you got back to me as soon as you did. I need your help with a problem and his name is Spinelli."

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